How to Fix Helldivers 2 Friends List Not Working or Showing Friends

Can't see or invite Helldivers 2 friends to play? Learn quick fixes to get your broken in-game friends list working again.

How to Fix Helldivers 2 Friends List Not Working or Showing Friends
How to Fix Helldivers 2 Friends List Not Working or Showing Friends

Helldivers 2 took the gaming world by storm with its recent launch. However, the game's runaway success has led to some growing pains - including a friends list that refuses to cooperate. Many users report getting error messages or simply not seeing online friends, unable to connect for co-op action. Luckily, there are ways to troubleshoot the pesky friends list until the developers fully squash this bug.

Understanding What's Behind the Broken Friends List

Understanding What's Behind the Broken Friends List
Understanding What's Behind the Broken Friends List

Helldivers 2 builder Arrowhead Game Studios acknowledges early server troubles, rapidly working to bolster capacity. In the turmoil, friends list functionality sometimes fails, blocking invites and party joins.

Before troubleshooting, check the developer's social media and status page to see if an outage is causing the friends list to malfunction. If servers are down for maintenance or upgrades, waiting for restoration is the only option.





Quick Fixes to Bypass Friends List Issues in Helldivers 2

Quick Fixes to Bypass Friends List Issues in Helldivers 2
Quick Fixes to Bypass Friends List Issues in Helldivers 2

If the overall network is up but the friend list remains on the fritz, try these simple fixes before contacting customer support:

  • Fully restart Helldivers 2 and your gaming platform to clear any cached data or sync errors
  • Re-add friends using their exact friend codes to freshly establish connections
  • Use Steam's friend invite system for direct joins as a workaround





Getting Helldivers 2 Developer Support

For friends list problems persisting after quick fixes, users need to request Helldivers 2 support assistance directly.

Provide friend codes and platform details to aid the investigation into missing roster connections. With patient persistence, the developers can resolve account-specific gremlins still plaguing the friends list.





Avoid Peak Game Traffic Times

Until backend kinks are completely smoothed, players should reconsider launching Helldivers 2 during peak hours. Simultaneous logins continue straining systems, increasing friends list glitches.

Scheduling co-op runs before or after the evening rush improves connectivity. As issues are fully resolved, squad play at all hours should seamlessly link friends back together.

While requiring patience, proven workarounds resolve most issues, especially with developer assistance. Soon, keeping connected with an entire starting roster will be a smooth, frustration-free process for all Helldivers 2.

Read our other guides on Helldivers 2 as well:
