LEC 2024 Summer Playoffs Results: BDS vs GX & SK vs KC

A new week of matches is upon as the League of Legends EMEA Championship is picking up speed as teams are getting closer to Season Finals.

LEC 2024 Summer Playoffs Results: BDS vs GX & SK vs KC

The League of Legends EMEA Championship Summer Split is in motion as teams are continuing their competitive journey to reach the very top of the region as well as earn enough points to qualify for the World Championship later this year.

Although the LEC region has been marked with G2's domination, it seems that this time around, a lot of the professional rosters have upped their game both in macro and micro play. With that in mind, we will go over the games between Team BDS versus GIANTX and SK Gaming versus Karmine Corp. 


LEC Summer Playoffs BDS vs GX

LEC 2024 Summer Split Playoffs Matches

This year's Playoffs will once again have best-of-three (Bo3) matches with two separate brackets as all of the teams will get at least 2 opportunities to prove themselves before being eliminated from the League of Legends tournament. 

LEC 2024 Summer Split Playoffs BDS vs GX Match

GX looks better than ever, however, not BDS are hungry to win it all and prove why they can challenge the reigning champions of the LEC.

BDS vs GX Game 1 (Result 1-0)

Adam Rumble TOP Sion Th3Antonio 
Sheo Viego JNG Sejuani Juhan 
nuc Azir MID Tristana Jackies 
Ice Ashe BOT Ezreal Patrik 
Labrov Braum SUP Alistar IgNar 



BDS vs GX Game 2 (Result 1-1)

Th3Antonio Ornn TOP Olaf Adam
Juhan Nidalee JNG Maokai Sheo
Jackies Lucian MID Azir nuc
Patrik Ashe BOT Ezreal Ice
IgNar Rell SUP Rakan Labrov

BDS vs GX Game 3 (Result 2-1)

Adam K'Sante TOP Poppy Th3Antonio 
Sheo Taliyah JNG Sejuani Juhan 
nuc Tristana MID Yone Jackies 
Ice Zeri BOT Ashe Patrik 
Labrov Maokai SUP Rakan IgNar 

After a very close 2-1 series, BDS was able to outplay GX in the final game as nuc's Tristana secured a massive ace, allowing the team to build up their confidence and defeat GX in this nail-biting match.



LEC 2024 Summer Split Playoffs SK vs KC Match

SK seemed unstoppable during the Regular Season as the revitalized team was almost perfect both in individual and team play. KC also started showing its colors as a good team following two very unsuccessful Splits. 

SK vs KC Game 1 (Result 0-1)

SK Role KC
Irrelevant Kennen TOP Jayce Canna
ISMA Sejuani JNG Maokai Closer
Nisqy Corki MID Azir Vladi
Rahel Miss Fortune BOT Ezreal Upset
Luon Rell SUP Rakan Targamas

SK vs KC Game 2 (Result 1-1)

SK Role KC
Irrelevant Renekton TOP Ornn Canna
ISMA Sejuani JNG Vi Closer
Nisqy Hwei MID Taliyah Vladi
Rahel Ezreal BOT Jinx Upset
Luon Rell SUP Rakan Targamas

SK vs KC Game 2 (Result 1-2)

KC Role SK
Canna Jayce TOP Renekton Irrelevant
Closer Sejuani JNG Maokai ISMA
Vladi Lucian MID Ezreal Nisqy
Upset Zeri BOT Kai'Sa Rahel
Targamas Alistar SUP Leona Luon

An incredible performance by KC as Vladi was able to carry his team to victory in this 2-1 series. Although SK put up quite the fight, KC showed that they are a team not to be underestimated any longer. 

The League of Legends games for this week's Playoffs have been very intense, and as we reach the Finals, things are only going to get even spicier. 
