LoL MSI 2024 Bracket Stage: BLG vs T1 Results and Games

We will take a look at the Round 2 Bo5s of the MSI 2024 Bracket Stage between the LPL and LCK.

LoL MSI 2024 Bracket Stage: T1 vs BLG Results and Games
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The League of Legends 2024 Mid-Season Invitational Bracket Stage has begun with everything on the line for the remaining 8 teams. This stage will include a single Bo5 double-elimination format so we can expect a banger series from the get-go. 

With that being said, we will be taking a look at the second Bo5 series between the LPL first seed- Bilibili Gaming as they will face the LCK second seed- T1.

Although most fans and analysts predict the LPL and LCK to dominate the tournament, a recent interview with the top laner for TES, 369, stated how much the Western players have improved in comparison to their last year's performance.

lol msi 2024 upper bracket stage game
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MSI 2024 BLG vs T1 Match Result

MSI 2024 LoL T1 vs BLG
Riot Games

We will go through all of the games that were played out, as well as the champion picks. 

MSI 2024: Game 1 BLG vs T1 1-0

BLG Role T1
Bin Vayne TOP K'Sante Zeus
Xun Sejuani JNG Viego Oner
knight Taliyah MID Corki Faker
Elk Kalista BOT Senna Gumayusi
ON Renata Glasc SUP Tahm Kench Keria

BLG was able to lay waste to T1 early into the game as Faker fell victim to ganks and face checks, however, T1 was able to quickly stabilize through bot lane and a great fight in the river. BLG is set on proving the LPL is the better region as they were constantly applying pressure on the map, punishing and outplaying the LCK team.

T1 seemed shaky as BLG consistently caught enemy players off-guard, lending them the opportunity to seize objectives and slowly push T1 into a corner. Despite the efforts of T1 to stabilize the game, the relentless onslaught of BLG decimated the enemy team and secured them the first win in the series.



MSI 2024: Game 2 BLG vs T1 1-1

BLG Role T1
Bin K'Sante TOP Zac Zeus
Xun Wukong JNG Xin Zhao Oner
knight Corki MID Taliyah Faker
Elk Kalista BOT Senna Gumayusi
ON Renata Glasc SUP Tahm Kench Keria

A rather slow game 2 as both teams were cautious to engage aggressively, however, T1 was able to strike back and secure crucial kills, which in return started snowballing into quite the advantage.

An amazing team fight secured T1 the first Baron of the game, further cementing their lead and decimating the BLG roster. A very dominant performance by the World Champions as they have taken ownership of the series, proving why they are one of the best teams in the world.

MSI 2024: Game 3 BLG vs T1 2-1

BLG Role T1
Bin Jax TOP Twisted Fate Zeus
Xun Maokai JNG Lee Sin Oner
knight Taliyah MID Veigar Faker
Elk Lucian BOT Senna Gumayusi
ON Nami SUP Tahm Kench Keria

With the series now tied, both teams are looking to go the extra mile to sneak in an advantage as both of the regions gave it their all in the early game. Despite the equalized game state, BLG was able to secure some crucial picks and force T1 into a corner, ultimately gaining control over neutral objectives. 

After a very intense team fight, the LPL team was able to secure their second win in the series as Faker's Veigar was unable to nuke down the carries. 



MSI 2024: Game 4 BLG vs T1 3-1

BLG Role T1
Zeus Zac TOP K'Sante Bin
Oner Xin Zhao JNG Nidalee Xun
Faker Akali MID Tristana knight
Gumayusi Lucian BOT Senna Elk
Keria Nami SUP Nautilus ON

Game 4 started rather uneventful as both teams were cautious not to take any risky fights, however, BLG was able to effectively accrue a small gold lead through great macro play.

T1 was able to claim a lot of neutral objectives, a chaotic skirmish around river gave BLG the necessary pressure to start pushing T1 into a corner. Despite T1 striking back, the LPL team was able to destroy the LCK roster as Xun's Nidalee was too much of a menace. After a great pick off onto T1, BLG secured Baron and sieged the enemy base, winning the series 3-1.
