LoL MSI 2024 Bracket Stage: T1 vs TL Results and Games

We will take a look at the Round 2 Bo5s of the MSI 2024 Bracket Stage between the LCK and LCS.

LoL MSI 2024 Bracket Stage: TL vs T1 Results and Games
Riot Games

The League of Legends 2024 Mid-Season Invitational Bracket Stage has begun with everything on the line for the remaining 5 teams. This stage will include a single Bo5 double-elimination format so we can expect a banger series from the get-go. 

With that being said, we will be taking a look at the second Bo5 series between the LCK second seed- T1 as they will face the LCS first seed- Team Liquid.

Although most fans and analysts predict the LPL and LCK to dominate the tournament, a recent interview with the top laner for TES, 369, stated how much the Western players have improved in comparison to their last year's performance.

lol msi 2024 upper bracket stage game
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MSI 2024 T1 vs TL Match Result

MSI 2024 LoL TL vs T1
Riot Games

We will go through all of the games that were played out, as well as the champion picks. 

MSI 2024: Game 1 T1 vs TL 1-0

T1 Role TL
Zeus Camille TOP K'Sante Impact
Oner Poppy JNG Xin Zhao UmTi
Faker Taliyah MID Aurelion Sol APA
Gumayusi Senna BOT Kalista Yeon
Keria Ornn SUP Alistar CoreJJ

A brutal First Blood on the side of T1 as APA fell in the early game. Faker was out for blood as the LCS region seemed shaky in the face of the 2023 World Champions. TL was able to strike back by securing a kill on Zeus and claiming the Voidgrubs objective.

A clean skirmish on the side TL secured them two kills and the drake, stabilizing the game state and removing some of the advantages T1 accrued. Another great team fight secured the LCS team a comeback opportunity, equalizing the game state.

Despite TL's efforts, T1 won a crucial fight that secured them the first Baron of the game. Following the buff, T1 was able to choke out TL out of any comeback chances and secure their first win in the series.



MSI 2024: Game 2 T1 vs TL 2-0

TL Role T1
Impact K'Sante TOP Vayne Zeus
UmTi Lee Sin JNG Jarvan IV Oner
APA Taliyah MID Ahri Faker
Yeon Samira BOT Varus Gumayusi
CoreJJ Nautilus SUP Kalista Keria

A bloody invade marked the game with 1 for 1 kill trade as both junglers lost their lives. TL looked very promising in game 2 as their aggressive playstyle favored them in most skirmishes as Yeon's Samira started picking up small leads.

This time around, both teams look rather equal in power as both LCS and LCK regions were able to maintain a rather safe playstyle. A fantastic team fight by TL secured them a significant advantage as it seems T1 is struggling to to get through the frontline of the NA Region. 

An incredible Charm by Faker quickly decimated what remained of the TL team as T1 secured a drake. An amazing comeback from TL secured them the Baron and ever so close to victory. An intense team fight allowed T1 to pick up the Baron, but Yeon was able to once again step up and prove why TL is the first seed in the LCS. Following an Elder Drake coinflip, T1 was able to make quick work of TL and secure their second win in the series.

MSI 2024: Game 3 T1 vs TL 2-1

TL Role T1
Impact K'Sante TOP Vayne Zeus
UmTi Rek'Sai JNG Sejuani Oner
APA Taliyah MID Corki Faker
Yeon Kalista BOT Varus Gumayusi
CoreJJ Nautilus SUP Rell Keria

With everything on the line for TL, it seems that the LCS team tried their best to establish some lead in the early game. Following a 5-man dive on the bot lane, TL was able to trade kills one for one, but T1 quickly was able to strike back and secure a small lead.

A very explosive game as both teams were on equal footing, leading to very close fights and clashes. A very sneaky Baron play by TL gave them a lot of pushing power, pushing T1 back. 

A shocking comeback from TL allowed them to get a game off T1, allowing them to live another game.



MSI 2024: Game 4 T1 vs TL 3-1

T1 Role TL
Zeus Vayne TOP K'Sante Impact
Oner Poppy JNG Lillia UmTi
Faker Orianna MID Ziggs APA
Gumayusi Senna BOT Kalista Yeon
Keria Ornn SUP Rell CoreJJ

A much more explosive early game as both TL and T1 went for very aggressive plays, however, the LCK second seed was able to punish all of the LCS' mistakes, creating a 5K Gold lead at the 12-minute mark. Zeus' Vayne along with Faker's Orianna have been very crucial in T1's success in the fourth game of the series.

An absolute stomp from T1 as the team was heavily criticized for its shaky performance during MSI. The LCK team was able to quickly open up the game and turn it into an absolute massacre as all hope seemed lost after the very close previous three games. 

After taking down two enemy inhibitors, T1 secured Baron and ultimately shut down TL, eliminating them from the tournament and progressing to meet G2 in their next match.
