LoL MSI 2024 Bracket Stage: TES vs G2 Results and Games

We will take a look at the Round 2 Bo5s of the MSI 2024 Bracket Stage between the LPL and LEC.

LoL MSI 2024 Bracket Stage: TES vs G2 Results and Games
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The League of Legends 2024 Mid-Season Invitational Bracket Stage has begun with everything on the line for the remaining 6 teams. This stage will include a single Bo5 double-elimination format so we can expect a banger series from the get-go. 

With that being said, we will be taking a look at the second Bo5 series between the LEC first seed- G2 Esports as they will face the LPL first seed- TOP ESPORTS.

Although most fans and analysts predict the LPL and LCK to dominate the tournament, a recent interview with the top laner for TES, 369, stated how much the Western players have improved in comparison to their last year's performance.

lol msi 2024 upper bracket stage game
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MSI 2024 TES vs G2 Match Result

MSI 2024 LoL TES vs G2
Riot Games

We will go through all of the games that were played out, as well as the champion picks. 

MSI 2024: Game 1 TES vs G2 0-1

TES Role G2
369 K'Sante TOP Camille BrokenBlade
Tian Xin Zhao JNG Ivern Yike
Creme Azir MID Tristana Caps
JackeyLove Varus BOT Kalista Hans Sama
Meiko Nautilus SUP Leona Mikyx

A fantastic start from G2 as they were able to kill the TES bot lane. The LPL bottom lane started to suffer quite a lot as Yike's Ivern secured another kill onto JackeyLove. A very close skirmish in the mid lane landed G2 an additional kill as the LEC team is looking great in the early game. A phenomenal drake fight snowballed G2 into a 3K gold lead.

An unbelievable stomp from G2 had fans and analysts absolutely stunned as this LEC roster proved that the West can fight on par with the East. A massive blunder from G2 allowed TES to secure some crucial shutdowns. 

With TES backed into a corner, G2 was able to choke out the LPL second seed out of any chances of a comeback, ultimately leading the series 1-0.



MSI 2024: Game 2 TES vs G2 0-2

TES Role G2
369 K'Sante TOP Twisted Fate BrokenBlade
Tian Jarvan IV JNG Rek'Sai Yike
Creme Corki MID Tristana Caps
JackeyLove Draven BOT Kog'Maw Hans Sama
Meiko Renata Glasc SUP Braum Mikyx

Another incredible start to the game as the failed dive on the side of TES secured Hans Sama's Kog'Maw a double kill. The bot lane remained very dominant, as, despite some picks from TES, G2 was able to scale up into an incredible Baron fight.

Once again, the LPL team seemed pushed into a corner as the LEC roster decimated any hope for a comeback, leading the series 2-0.

MSI 2024: Game 3 TES vs G2 0-3

G2 Role TES
BrokenBlade K'Sante TOP Udyr 369
Yike Ivern JNG Rek'Sai Tian
Caps Tristana MID Corki Creme
Hans SamaDraven BOT Kalista JackeyLove
Mikyx Neeko SUP Camille Meiko

The TES bot lane was able to strike back and secure First Blood as G2 underestimated the damage from Camille and Kalista. BrokenBlade and Caps were able to secure some great kills onto TES as it seems Meiko's overaggressive Camile is not paying dividends.

This time around, TES forced G2 to slow down their pace, however, a massive cash out for Hans Sama's Draven further snowballed the ADC into a very dangerous threat in the later team fights. BrokenBlade's K'Sante proved crucial in G2's success. 

An incredible 3-0 sweep for G2, showing the fans that the LEC is a not region to be messed with. With TES now eliminated, 5 teams remain standing.
