The new game mode Swarm, part of League of Legends, is an absolute hit. You can choose from 9 champions to go into this PvE adventure. They can be paired up with quite a few items, all of them with different powers. But how do you know which one is good? In this tier list, we will take a look at all Swarm weapons, ranked from best to worst.

Table of Contents
D-Tier Weapons
The YuumiBot is a drone that damages and knocks up enemies and also gathers EXP Orbs. However, it's quite weak and, much like a Yuumi Support in Iron or Bronze - useless.
Lioness's Lament is another weapon in Swarm which seems to lack enough power. It's good in theory but not in practice.
Final City Transit makes trains occasionally appear on the map but you need to keep in mind how unreliable this item is. There are definitely better choices up ahead in this Swarm Tier List.
C-Tier Weapons
In theory, the Searing Shortbow is amazing, firing projectiles that create lingering fire areas for a duration. However, early on it can feel quite weak but it gets way better once it's evolved or you're facing more enemies.
This weapon is a shout-out to League of Legends' Annie and her trusty friend Tibbers. The item calls forward Robo-Tibbers which makes a swipe, dealing area damage. Robo-Tibbers focuses on enemies with the highest absolute current health.
B-Tier Weapons
This item is a decent replacement for the Radiant Field weapon, which will be introduced later on in this Swarm tier list. Cyclonic Slicers offers orbiting projectiles that knock back enemies. Once evolved, they become permanent.
The Vortex Glove fires a rotating stream of projectiles and once evolved it blasts a second constant stream of projectiles that rotate around the player. Quite useful.
Ani-Mines might be the AoE you've been looking for in Swarm. This item drops timed explosive projectiles in a ring that explodes in a large area. When it's evolved into Jinx's Tri-Namite it gets additional explosions.
This item reminds us a lot of Singed in the OG League of Legends, as it leaves a damaging poison cloud behind while you're moving. Once you evolve it, it will also grant a shield and move speed.
A-Tier Weapons
The Bunny Mega-Blast fires orbital strikes, hitting large groups of enemies. It scales with bonus critical chance at random. This item shines the brightest when evolved, ending the bombarding with a large strike.
Statikk Sword is a lot like League of Legends' Statikk Shiv. It fires a lightning, that bounces between enemies with the highest absolute current health. Once you evolve it, you'll be able to use this item to create a lightning storm around targeted enemies, which continuously damages them.
A simple yet efficient Swarm item. The UwU Blaster rapidly fires laser projectiles at the nearest enemy.
Echoing Batblades is another simple item with a lot of damage. You can use it to fire piercing projectiles that bounce off terrain. The evolved version gets a significant boost.
This boomerang type of weapon fires returning blades at the nearest enemy. The damage and speed is quite decent, giving you the kick you might need in Swarm.
The Anti-Shark Sea Mine fires explosives that bounce between enemies. It's amazing once you evolve it because it just does it endlessly.
S-Tier Weapons
What an item! Absolutely one of the most OP weapons in Swarm. The Annihilator summons a massive strike over the area after a delay which instantly kills all normal enemies and heavily damages Elite enemies. Once you evolve it, take-downs will grant you bigger EXP drops and a bigger chance to get gold.
Radiant Field damages the nearby enemies that come into your circle field, scaling with your Max Health. It's amazing early on, completely destroying any enemy who dares to come close to you. Once you evolve it, the enemies killed within your burn zone will explode, dealing additional damage in the area around them.
This item deals area damage over time in a cone. It's insanely powerful and it's amazing help, especially early on. When evolved, the Gatling Bunny-Guns can slow and even stun enemies. Overall, it is an amazing tool for farming.
Iceblast Armor is the bread and butter of all tank builds, blocking damage and freezing the surrounding enemies. Its damage scales with Armor and Max Health.
This item is especially good because of its passive crit chance gain. The Battle Bunny Crossbow fires a cone of arrows in a random direction. It's used in a lot of damage-oriented builds.
So far Swarm, League of Legends' new game mode, has 21 items to choose from. They're all very different from each other and give you the boost you need to win each map in the game.
D-Tier | YuumiBot, Lioness's Lament, Final City Transit |
C-Tier | Searing Shortbow, T.I.B.B.E.R.S |
B-Tier | Cyclonic Slicers, Vortex Glove, Ani-Mines |
A-Tier | Paw Print Poisoner, Bunny Mega Blast, Statikk Sword, UwU Blaster, Echoing Batblades |
S-Tier | The Annihilator, Radiant Field, Gatling Bunny Guns, Iceblast Aarmor, Battle Bunny Crossbow |