Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 2 - Inferno Mission Walkthrough

Are you trying to figure out how to complete the Inferno mission in Space Marine 2? Don't worry, we've got you covered!

Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 2 - Inferno Mission Walkthrough
Saber Interactive

Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 has six playable missions, which serve as bonuses to the main story challenges. They are parallel to the narrative, and they have the same length and difficulty as the Campaign missions.

The first PvE Operation is called Inferno, and it acts as a tutorial for the Multiplayer system. You'll have to detonate some bombs in the Promethium Refinery and melt a swarm of Tyranid enemies. In this guide, we'll show you how to complete the Inferno mission in Space Marine 2, so you can progress fast.



Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 2 Inferno Mission Best Loadout

Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 2 - Inferno Mission Walkthrough
Saber Interactive

Although there are no boss fights in the Inferno mission, you'll encounter a lot of low-tier Tyranid opponents, so you need to consider using weapons that can help you deal with large groups of enemies. Here is the best loadout for completing the Inferno mission:

Weapon Benefits
Power Sword Great Charged Attacks
Bolt Carbine High DPS
Melta Gun High DPS
Plasma Pistol Good AoE DMG when charged

Keep in mind that the Tactical and Heavy Classes are the best against Tyranids. The latter's Primary Weapon options and the Tactical Marine's signature abilities have insane damage outputs, and they can wipe out big groups of enemies. If you like playing as a Tank for your team, don't hesitate to use the Bulwark Class.



Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 2 How To Reach The Astra Militarum Camp

Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 2 - Inferno Mission Walkthrough
Saber Interactive

To reach the Astra Militarum camp, you'll first need to defeat a few small packs of Tyranids and make your way through the jungle. Be careful with these enemies and try to get into melee range that will allow you to parry their attacks. If you're playing as a Heavy Class warrior, try to stay back and fight from a longer distance. Once you reach the section with the narrow bridge, fight the opponents there as well.

Don't let them call for support, or you'll get into a big mess trying to defend yourself against the Zoanthrope duo. Grab the supplies nearby before continuing, and if you get surrounded, use a Finisher to kill all Hormagaunts. Make sure to refill your ammo supplies and enter the Astra Militarum camp. To detonate the generators, find the demolition codes by inspecting the dead guardsmen. It could be any of them.



Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 2 The Promethium Refinery

Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 2 - Inferno Mission Walkthrough
Saber Interactive

Reaching the Promethium Refinery could be a challenge if you're playing on a high-difficulty setting or you're by yourself. Always make sure your team has a lot of ammo because when you leave the jungle, you'll see a lot of Tyranids. Execute the Hive Warrior as fast as you can, and most of the Hormagaunts will disappear.

Move closer to the facility, and you'll be attacked by a high-tier enemy who will ambush the entire team. If it's a Lictor, wait for him to appear and parry as soon as possible. Perform a gun strike, and his Health will drop significantly.



Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 2 How To Deploy Bombs

Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 2 - Inferno Mission Walkthrough
Saber Interactive

Once you enter the facility, defend the generators from the Tyranids. Most of them will be Hormagaunts and Warriors, so after killing them, you'll meet the real challenge - the Extremis enemy. Shoot at everyone who doesn't have a green energy shield and hit the vulnerable targets until they gain one.

After that, keep attacking the Extremis enemy, repeating the process as many times as you need. Find the Melta Bomb next to the ammo stockpile and deploy it. Leave the facility and enter the next room. Defeat the enemies there and take the elevator at the end of the path. This will lead you to the detonation controls outside.



Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 2 How To Complete The Inferno Mission

Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 2 - Inferno Mission Walkthrough
Saber Interactive

Defeat three groups of Tyranids and detonate the bomb. You need to kill enough enemies to progress through the objective, or it won't move. Some opponents will climb the walls in front of the refinery, but a few grenades and Chainswords will help you with them. However, kill the ranged Warriors first because they're more dangerous.

The final wave of Tyranids will try to spill into the platform through the back entrance, and a Lictor will spawn. Kill all of them and detonate the bomb on the landing platform. Go to the shuttle and evacuate your team. Have fun and good luck on your next adventure! For more information about Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 2, you can check out this article.
