Where to Find & Catch the Tombat Pal in Palworld

Use our detailed night hunting tips to pinpoint and defeat the Dark-type Tombat roaming the Palworld islands.

Where to Find & Catch the Tombat Pal in Palworld
Where to Find & Catch the Tombat Pal in Palworld

Tombat is a tricky Dark-type Pal in Palworld that only emerges to prowl at night. With persistence and the right strategy, this creature's powerful Ultrasonic Sensor skill and mining strengths can be added to your roster. Use this guide to learn where to locate Tombat and tips for defeating it in Palworld.



Attributes and Skills of Tombat in Palworld

Attributes and Skills of Tombat in Palworld
Attributes and Skills of Tombat in Palworld

Let's first review what defines this evasive monster:

  • Dark-type Pal
  • Only spawns on the surface map after sundown
  • The signature move is Poison Blast/ Dark Ball
  • Possesses the useful Ultrasonic Sensor ability
  • Drops valuable Leather and Small Pal Soul crafting items
  • Has mining and gathering Work Suitabilities

A worthwhile nocturnal hunter once tamed. Now onto locating it!



Where To Find Tombat in Palworld

 Tombat Location in Palworld
 Tombat Location in Palworld

As mentioned, Tombat will not spawn on the Palworld map at all during the day cycle or in lit dungeon areas. But when dusk fades to night across grasslands and beaches, Tombat has a chance to materialize on the islands of Palworld.

Specific nighttime hotspots include all starter zone grassy plains and coastlines. More remote areas like Marsh Island, the Eastern and Forgotten Islands, and misty Ice Wind Island ruins are also prime creep zones to comb through during midnight hours searching for Tombat. Even perpetual darkness caves such as the Isolated Island Caverns can house Tombat if you need a daytime hunting spot instead.

With so many potential night crawl spaces, finding Tombat requires patience and thorough searching across multiple darkness cycles.



How to Catch Tombat in Palworld?

How to Catch Tombat in Palworld?
How to Catch Tombat in Palworld?

Tracking Tombat at night is one thing, but succeeding in the battle against its mobility takes strategy once encountered:

Equip Dragon-type Pals in your lineup like Quivern, Astegon, Orserk, etc to fiercely counter its Dark typing vulnerabilities. Utilize long-range Assault Rifles and similar firearms when possible as well to wear down Tombat's health from a safer distance.

And due to its evasiveness and low base catch rates even when weakened, bring ample extra Pal Spheres of higher quality beyond standard types to secure Tombat once its health drops into capture range.



Stay vigilant on those overnight hunts! With our tips and your persistence, soon your efforts will pay off with this valuable new ally and its mighty Ultrasonic Sensor ability.

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