World of Warcraft players have shared time and time again tons of feedback regarding Mythic Dungeons with Affixes being at the core of their complaints. Players will be seeing changes including adjustments to dungeons, progression, and rewards.
It seems the devs at Blizzard have taken the time to explore and analyze the criticism and have provided a new blog post detailing all the coming changes to dungeons in Season 4 of Dragonflight. The devs will mostly be tackling dungeon difficulty, timers, and rewards.
We will dive into the core changes and explain what players can expect when queuing up for a dungeon this time around. Hopefully, these changes will provide much-needed quality-of-life changes and further incentivize players to try out Mythic Dungeons so they can gear up their characters.

WoW Dragonflight Season 4 Dungeon Progression

As per the provided image, players will now have more incentive to run Heroic and M0 as the difficulty will be squished further up the Mythic+ levels. Normal dungeons will not have any changes to them.
Heroic difficulty and rewards will move up to roughly the current level of Mythic 0. These dungeons will remain available to queue into via Group Finder (default hotkey: “I”), though the item level requirement to queue will also go up accordingly.
Mythic 0 difficulty and rewards will move up to roughly the current level of Mythic 8-10 (this is a bit hand-wavy - numerically it's close to M10 but not having a timer at all or affixes really offsets that quite a bit).
The existing Mythic+ system will pick up where that leaves off, such that a Mythic 5 in Season 4 is roughly equivalent in difficulty, rewards, and M+ Rating awarded, to a Mythic 15 today.
Another important clarification is that affixes will also be adjusted accordingly. The light blue circles represent where new affixes appear, going from M2/M7/M14 in the current world to M2/M5/M10 in the new one.
WoW Dragonflight Season 4 Dungeon Timers and Difficulty Changes

These changes will apply to all eight of the Dragonflight dungeons, meaning that the rotation for Season 4 will consist only of new dungeons. We will go through all of the changes for Heroic, Mythic, and Mythic+ dungeons.
WoW Dragonflight Season 4 Heroic Dungeon Changes
- The tuning and rewards of this difficulty are increasing to be equivalent to a baseline Mythic (Mythic 0) dungeon in the current system.
- Mythic difficulty changes and mechanics will not be present in this difficulty.
- This remains a queueable experience.
WoW Dragonflight Season 4 Mythic Dungeon Changes
- The tuning and rewards of this difficulty are increasing to the equivalent of a +10 dungeon with affixes in the current system.
- There are no timers, affixes, or limitations on changing specializations or talents while in the dungeon.
- The goal is to create a mega-dungeon-like difficulty for this experience. This difficulty should present a meaningful challenge and provide commensurate rewards without the pressures of the current Mythic+ system.
- Mythic 0 is still on a weekly lockout under this model.
WoW Dragonflight Season 4 Mythic+ Dungeon Changes

- The Mythic+ system will have rewards up to level 10, with +2 starting from what would regularly be a +11 in the current Mythic+ system. A +5 should be as hard as a +15 and +10 should be as hard as a +20 in the current Mythic+ system etc. Affixes would slot in at +2, +5, and +10:
Mythic Dungeon Level | Affixes |
+2 | Fortified/Tyrannical |
+5 | Entangling / Incorporeal etc. |
+10 | Bursting / Bolstering etc. |
- Dungeon ratings should be equivalent to what they represent in the current system. There should be a smaller range of keystone levels to find groups for, and more meaningful progression between each level.
WoW Dragonflight Season 4 Dungeon Reward Changes

The devs have also highlighted that the basic structure of dungeon rewards will not have any major changes. They have also provided a neat rundown of what players can expect when completing Heroic dungeons and above, here.
With the levels being squished to accompany a more linear and straightforward approach, doing Heroic dungeons will reward you with M0 gear without the added stress of a timer so casual players can more effectively approach Mythic+ dungeons in the future.
Since the maximum Mythic+ level is 10, players who run +10 will expect rewards as if they had run a +20 dungeon. Overall, these changes will boost the confidence of casual players and give them more incentive to try their best and have a steadier experience learning the game.
WoW Dragonflight Season 4 Dungeon Changes

Given the difficulty squish, some notable changes to Flightstone earnings and Whelpling Crests will also apply.
- Flightstone earnings for any given Mythic+ will match the equally challenging Mythic+ from previous seasons. This means that a Mythic +2 in Season 4 will give the same number of Flightstones as a Mythic +12 in Season 3 currently does. The rewards will continue to match difficulty, even if what we’re calling those difficulty changes.
- Bonus Flightstone awards for increasing any party member’s Mythic+ score remain unchanged.
- Whelpling Crests are no longer available from Mythic+ dungeons, as those difficulties no longer exist. Players can continue to collect Whelpling Crests from many outdoor sources.
- Players will earn 10 Drake Crests on successful completion of a Mythic 0 dungeon, as there is no timer to beat.
- Wyrm Crests will be available in Mythic +2 to Mythic +5 dungeons in the same quantities as existing Mythic+ dungeons.
- Aspect Crests will be available in any Mythic difficulty from +6 and up, also in the same quantities as existing Mythic+ dungeons.
All in all, these changes are very positive for the community. Hopefully, these changes will reduce toxicity and anxiety among players, and foster a much more calm and enjoyable experience.
Best of luck, Champions of Azeroth, and may Dragonflight bring you countless riches and gear as we slowly start preparing for The War Within expansion that will be released later this year.