WoW Plunderstorm Event Rewards: Mount, Pet, Transmog and More

We will take a look at some of the rewards you can earn in the new Plunderstorm Battle Royale event in World of Warcraft

WoW Plunderstorm Event Rewards: Mount, Pet, Transmog and More

The brand-new pirate-themed Plunderstorm event has a lot of treasures to be discovered both in the actual event and in the form of rewards for players to snag. We will look at all of the rewards we know of so far by making sure to update you once we have more information. World of Warcraft players did not expect this kind of event so it is certainly a welcome surprise. 

It seems that the event will have some great cosmetic rewards for players such as a brand new mount, pet, and a lot of pirate transmogs for every collector wishing to spice up their characters.

WoW Plunderstorm Rewards



WoW Plunderstorm Rewards

WoW Plunderstorm Event Rewards

Players will be able to get a lot of sweet loot from the new Plunderstorm event in the form of cosmetics, so here is a list of some of the Plunderstorm rewards:

Plunderlord Parrot Mount

WoW Plunderstorm Parrot Mount Reward

Pirate Transmog

WoW Plunderstorm Event Rewards Pirate Transmog


Pirate Pepe Pet

WoW Plunderstorm Event Pirate Pete Event Reward Pet

It seems that players will unlock account-wide cosmetics with some rewards available for Classic WoW as well. 

And that is everything we know so far about the Plunderstorm rewards that will be available from the event. Once we have more information, we will make sure to update you accordingly. Have fun pillaging in this rather fun World of Warcraft event!
