World of Warcraft is preparing for its next huge expansion - The War Within. Not only does this update promise a lot of fundamental changes to the core gameplay of classes, but also it will introduce brand-new features that will further enhance the MMORPG experience.
With that in mind, we will take a look at the most recent patch notes for version 11.0.2 of WoW, so we can see how the game balance will be adjusted not only because of the new Hero Talents but also to accommodate the new raids, loot and many other new aspects of the game coming in The War Within.
Table of Contents
WoW Patch 11.0.2 Monk Changes

General Monk Changes
- Healing Elixir now heals for 10% of maximum health (was 15%).
- Yu'lon's Grace grants an absorb equal to 1% of your maximum health (was 2%) every 3 seconds (was 2 seconds).
- Healing Winds restores 10% of maximum health (was 15%).
- Clash is now a 1 minute cooldown (was 45 seconds).

- Mastery: Elusive Brawler chance to dodge reduced by 12%.
- All ability damage increased by 15%.
- Brewmaster's Balance increases Armor by 45% (was 25%).
- Celestial Fortune heals you for 70% of the amount healed (was 80%).
- Amount of damage staggered increased by 5%.
- Percentage of magic damage staggered increased to 58% (was 45%).
- Dance of the Wind chance to dodge reduced to 5% (was 10%).
- Staggering Strikes healing reduced by 28%.
- Spirit of the Ox chance to summon a Healing Sphere reduced by 40%.
- Elixir of Determination healing reduced to 30% of recently purified damage (was 50%), or a minimum of 8% of your maximum health (was 20%).
- Celestial Brew healing reduced by 10%.
- Pretense of Instability grants 10% Dodge (was 15%).
- Dance of the Wind chance to dodge reduced to 5% (was 10%).
- Detox now costs 10 energy (was 20).
- Chi Wave damage reduced by 10%.
- Chi Burst damage reduced by 10%.

- Vivify healing increased by 56%.
- Revival healing increased by 15%.
- Restoral healing increased by 15%.
- Gust of Mists healing increased by 10%.
- Overflowing Mists now heals for 0.6%/1.2% maximum health (was 1%/2%).
- Life Cocoon absorb amount reduced by 40%.
- Ancient Teachings now transfers 170% of damage to healing (was 150%).
- Tear of Morning now causes 12% of Enveloping Mist healing to transfer to allies with Renewing Mist (was 20%) and increases Vivify healing by 10% (was 20%).
- Jade Bond now increases the Mastery healing from Chi-Ji by 60% (was 40%).
- Jade Bond now decreases the cooldown of Chi-Ji by 0.5 seconds (was 0.3 seconds) and increases the healing of Yu'lon's Soothing Breath by 500% (was 300%).
- Yu'lon's Whisper healing increased by 30%.
- Yu'lon's Grace now absorbs 1% health (was 1.5%) and may stack up to 10% max health (was 15%).
- Fixed an issue causing Revival to dispel stacks of a debuff rather than the entire debuff.
- The locations of Invigorating Mists and Healing Elixir have swapped.

- Blackout Kick damage reduced by 8%.
- Tiger Palm damage reduced by 8%.
- Rising Sun Kick damage reduced by 8%.
- Fists of Fury damage reduced by 8%.
- Spinning Crane Kick damage increased by 13%.
- Rushing Jade Wind damage increased by 20%.
- Thunderfist damage reduced by 8%.
- Strike of the Windlord damage reduced by 8%.
- Whirling Dragon Punch area of effect damage reduced by 8%.
- Dual Threat damage reduced by 8%.
- Chi Burst damage decreased by 20%.
- Chi Wave damage increased by 80%.
- Chi Burst’s activation effect can now stack up to 2 times and its duration has been increased to 30 seconds (was 20 seconds).
- Yu'lon's Grace now absorbs 0.6% health (was 1%) and may stack up to 6% max health (was 10%).
- Detox now costs 10 energy (was 20).
- Touch of the Tiger now increases the damage of Tiger Palm by 40% (was 25%).
- Hardened Soles now increases the critical strike chance of Blackout Kick by 10% (was 5%).
- Communion With Wind now increases the damage of Strike of the Windlord by 100% (was 80%).
- Memory of the Monastery now increases Tiger Palm’s chance to activate Blackout Kick by 25% (was 15%).
- Xuen's Bond now increases Xuen’s damage by 30% (was 15%).
- Brawler's Intensity now increases Blackout Kick’s damage by 12% (was 15%).
- Crane Vortex now increases the damage of Spinning Crane Kick by 30% (was 20%).
- Meridian Strikes now reduces the cooldown of Touch of Death by 0.6 seconds (was 0.35 seconds) when Mastery: Combo Strikes is activated.
- Darting Hurricane trigger rate has been doubled.
- Martial Mixture now increases the damage of Tiger Palm by 8% per stack (was 10%) but can stack up to 30 times (was 12).
- Rising Star now increases Rising Sun Kick’s damage by 15% (was 10%).
- The duration of Fury of Xuen's stacking buff has been increased to 30 seconds (was 20 seconds).
- Whirling Dragon Punch now has a slight grace period where it will remain usable when Rising Sun Kick or Fists of Fury complete their cooldowns.
- Fixed an issue that caused Chi to drop below Combat Wisdom’s threshold at the start of raid encounters.
- Fixed an issue that caused Ferociousness to not grant its increased effect during Fury of Xuen procs.
- Fixed an issue that caused Rushing Jade Wind’s duration to be longer than intended.
- Fixed an issue that caused Martial Mixture to be consumed by Fists of Fury.
Monk PvP Changes

General Monk Changes
- Clash root effect now has a chance to break on damage taken.
- Paralysis now has a 3 second duration in PvP combat (was 4 seconds).

- Ancient Teachings is now increased by 120% in PvP combat (was 150%).
- Vivify healing is no longer reduced by 10% in PvP combat.
- Tiger Palm damage is no longer reduced by 12% in PvP combat.
- Chi Harmony now increases healing taken by 25% in PvP combat (was 15%).
- Lotus Infusion increases healing taken by 4% in PvP combat (was 2%).
- Chi Burst damage increased by 70% in PvP combat (was 40%).

- Rising Sun Kick damage is no longer reduced by 9% in PvP combat.
- Storm, Earth, and Fire clones are now immune to all crowd control and their movement speed has been increased by 20%.
- Rising Dragon Sweep's knockup effect has been increased.
And that covers all of the Monk class changes that were introduced in the 11.0.2 patch for World of Warcraft. Players are already brimming with excitement to try out The War Within expansion as it seems that Blizzard is trying to restore its former glory as a titan in the MMORPG industry.
You can check out the full patch notes by clicking this link.