Blizzard has shown another set of brand new hero talent trees that will be coming in the next World of Warcraft expansion- The War Within. We will be taking a look as this hero talent tree will be centered around Mistweaver and Windwalker Monks so we will see how much the gameplay will be impacted.
Blizzard has set a lot of high expectations following their reveal of the three next expansions that will be rolled out over the following years. Although the concepts and ideas behind these hero talent trees share similarities with features from previous expansions, it is exciting to see how this will be integrated into retail WoW.

WoW The War Within: Conduit of the Celestials Monk Hero Talent Tree
Since there is a lot to cover in the initial Hero Talent tree, we will be separately examining all of the nodes so we can get a better understanding of the core concepts.

Conduit of the Celestials Keystone
Celestial Conduit: The August Celestials empower you, causing you to radiate Nature damage onto enemies and healing onto up to 5 injured allies within 20 yards over 4 seconds, split evenly among them. Healing and damage increased by 6% per enemy struck, up to 30%. You may move while channeling, but casting other healing or damaging spells cancels this effect. Active ability. 1.5-minute cooldown.
Developer's Note: Celestial Conduit's channel will not break when using defensive, utility, or movement spells.

Conduit of the Celestials Row 1
Choice Node:
- Temple Training: The healing of Enveloping Mist and Vivify is increased by 10% (Mistweaver). Fists of Fury and Spinning Crane Kick deal 10% more damage (Windwalker).
- Xuen's Guidance: Teachings of the Monastery has a 15% chance to refund a charge when consumed. The damage of Tiger Palm is increased by 30%.
Courage of the White Tiger: Tiger Palm and Vivify has a 15% chance to cause Xuen to claw a nearby enemy for physical damage, healing a nearby ally for 200% (Mistweaver) or 100% (Windwalker) of the damage done. This chance is increased while Invoke Yu'lon, the Jade Serpent or Invoke Chi-Ji, the Red Crane (Mistweaver) or Invoke Xuen, the White Tiger (Windwalker) is active.
Choice Node:
- Restore Balance: Gain Refreshing Jade Wind while Chi’Ji the Red Crane or Yu’lon the Jade Serpent is active (Mistweaver). Gain Rushing Jade Wind while Xuen, the White Tiger is active(Windwalker).
- Yu'lon's Knowledge: Refreshing Jade Wind’s duration is increased by 10 seconds (Mistweaver). Rushing Jade Wind's duration is increased by 4 seconds and multiple uses may overlap (Windwalker).

Conduit of the Celestials
Row 2
Heart of the Jade Serpent: Consuming 8 stacks of Sheilun's Gift causes Yu’lon to decrease the cooldown time of Renewing Mist, Rising Sun Kick, Life Cocoon, and Thunder Focus Tea by 100% for 8 seconds (Mistweaver). Consuming 30 Chi causes Yu'lon to decrease the cooldown time of Rising Sun Kick, Fists of Fury, Strike of the Windlord, and Whirling Dragon Punch by 100% for 8 seconds (Windwalker).
Developer’s Note: Heart of the Jade Serpent's required stacks to activate for Mistweaver will change to 16 when talented into the Veil of Pride passive.
Strength of the Black Ox: After Xuen assists you, your next Enveloping Mist’s cast time is reduced by 50% and causes Niuzao to grant an absorb shield to 5 nearby allies for 5% of your maximum health (Mistweaver). After Xuen assists you, your next Blackout Kick causes Niuzao to stomp at your target's location, dealing damage to nearby enemies, reduced beyond 5 targets (Windwalker).
Flight of the Red Crane: Refreshing Jade Wind (Mistweaver), Rushing Jade Wind (Windwalker), and Spinning Crane Kick have a chance to cause Chi-Ji to quickly rush to 5 targets, healing each target (Mistweaver) or dealing physical damage to each target struck (Windwalker).

Conduit of the Celestials 3
Choice Node:
- Niuzao's Protection: Fortifying Brew grants you an absorb shield for 25% of your maximum health.
- Jade Sanctuary: You heal for 10% of your maximum health instantly when you activate Celestial Conduit and receive 15% less damage for its duration.
Chi-Ji's Swiftness: Your movement speed is increased by 25% during Celestial Conduit and for 3 seconds after being assisted by any Celestial.
Choice Node:
Inner Compass: You switch between alignments after an August Celestial assists you, increasing a corresponding secondary stat by 3%.
- Crane Stance: Haste
- Tiger Stance: Critical Strike
- Ox Stance: Versatility
- Serpent Stance: Mastery
August Dynasty: Casting Jadefire Stomp increases the damage of your next Rising Sun Kick by 30% or healing of your next Vivify by 50% (Mistweaver only).

Conduit of the Celestials
Unity Within: Celestial Conduit can be recast once during its duration to call upon all of the August Celestials to assist you at 200% effectiveness. Unity Within is automatically cast when Celestial Conduit ends if not used before its expiration.
Overall, these are some very interesting design choices behind making Mistweaver and Windwalker Monks not only increasing your healing done, but also giving you more tools to deal damage.
As more is being revealed regarding the newest World of Warcraft Expansion: The War Within, we are slowly starting to see just how much the scales have changed for Retail WoW. Here is the entire Hero Talent Tree as presented in the most recent blue post.
