The War Within's first major patch is now live and the devs have posted some hotfixes for the game. Given the massive amount of class balancing, the next couple of days should be full of adjustments as the tuning received a predominantly negative reception from the community.
Having said that, we will go over all of the recent additions to World of Warcraft Retail so you can get up to speed with all of the changes and quality-of-life updates.
Table of Contents
WoW PvE Class Changes

Here are all of the class balancing updates for the PvE aspects of the game, including buffs, nerfs, bug fixes, and other quality-of-life changes.

- Kill Shot and Black Arrow will now appropriately damage their primary target when out of combat.
WoW General Changes

The devs have also addressed some bugs, and quality-of-life improvements for all other aspects of the game varying from dungeons, raids, transmogs, events, professions, items, and other notable in-game systems.
Dungeons and Raids
The Dawnbreaker

- Fixed an issue causing Rasha’nan to become immune when interrupted immediately after casting Acidic Eruption.
Nerub-ar Palace

The Silken Court
- Fixed issue where Stinging Swarm will fizzle on the player if both Anti-Magic Shell and Prismatic Barrier are active.
- Fixed an issue causing Oppressing Roar to extend the duration of Stinging Delirium on Takazj.
- Addressed an issue with Earthen Horde characters not being friendly to all Horde factions.

- Fixed an issue that prevented some class set items, which were in a bugged state, from being upgraded.
- Fixed an issue that allowed Tier 2 Monk helms to let facial features clip through.
WoW’s 20th Anniversary

- Fixed an issue where “Disturbance Detected: Black Temple” could not be accepted if you were on or completed “Disturbance Detected: Blackrock Depths”.
- Removed erroneous interactions with the Torch of Pyrreth.
- Fixed an issue causing the Timewalking Dungeon Finder to require unreasonable item levels.
- Fixed a bug where Ulduar Timewalking bosses were not always awarding their Timewarped Badges.
And that covers all of the hotfixes added to World of Warcraft The War Within. Best of luck on your adventures and happy grinding! In the meantime, you can check out the official notes, here.