The War Within's first major patch is now live and the devs have already posted some hotfixes for the game. Given the massive amount of class balancing, the next couple of days should be full of adjustments as the tuning received a predominantly negative reception from the community.
Having said that, we will go over all of the recent additions to World of Warcraft Retail so you can get up to speed with all of the changes and quality-of-life updates.
Table of Contents
WoW PvE Class Changes


Developers’ notes: The Feral changes above were intended to be a part of the 11.0.5 patch, but temporarily went missing.

Beast Mastery
- Corrected an issue causing Phantom Pain to unintentionally deal repeated damage to the same enemy player.

Resolved an issue causing Fire Nova to be disabled while there are Flame Shock targets around.

Resolved an issue causing Ascendance to not duplicate healing as Restorative Mists.
WoW General Changes

Fixed an issue where the Burst of Knowledge trinket was not sharing a cooldown with other on-use trinkets.
Added a 1-second cooldown to the Burst of Knowledge trinket, to prevent some spells from causing more than one stack.
WoW’s 20th Anniversary
The Awakening the Machine weekly quest now rewards a Bronze Celebration Token as intended.
Moira Bronzebeard will now respect her cooldown for Shadow Word: Nemesis in the Emperor Dagran Thaurissan encounter on Raid Finder difficulty.
And that covers all of the hotfixes added to World of Warcraft The War Within. Best of luck on your adventures and happy grinding! In the meantime, you can check out the official notes, here.