The War Within's first major patch is now live and the devs have already posted some hotfixes for the game. Given the massive amount of class balancing, the next couple of days should be full of adjustments as the tuning received a predominantly negative reception from the community.
Having said that, we will go over all of the recent additions to World of Warcraft Retail so you can get up to speed with all of the changes and quality-of-life updates.
Table of Contents
WoW PvE Class Changes

Death Knight

- Applied the recent Heart Strike tuning update to Dancing Rune Weapon Heart Strikes.
- Withering Fire will now consistently fire 3 Black Arrows and its target selection has been improved.
- Withering Fire will now consistently fire the first shot in a Withering Fire barrage at your target if they are a valid enemy target.
- Shadow Surge will no longer damage breakable crowd-controlled targets.
- Hunter’s Prey’s target selection will now more-rigorously filter out-of-combat targets when casting multiple Kill Shots or Black Arrows.
- Fixed an issue where Black Arrow and Withering Fire could hit targets that are breakable crowd controlled.
- Black Arrow’s periodic damage will no longer cancel breakable crowd control.

- Fixed an issue causing Tempered in Battle’s health transfer to break crowd-control effects.
WoW General Changes

- Hallow’s End Water Buckets should now have a greater impact on Headless Horseman fires.
- Once again, Zidormi is ready to assist players in joining in the Hallow’s End festivities in Tirisfal Glades.

- Fixed an issue where all Concourse of the Forgotten Reservoir and Noetic of the Forgotten Reservoir appearances could not be transmogged in some circumstances.
- Resolved an issue where players on a level 60+ character who entered Oribos could be trapped by Fatescribe Roh-Tahl.
WoW’s 20th Anniversary

- Fixed an issue that was causing some players to not see the quest “An Original Path Through Time” after the weekly reset.
And that covers all of the hotfixes added to World of Warcraft The War Within. Best of luck on your adventures and happy grinding! In the meantime, you can check out the official notes, here.