During your grand voyage through Starfield, Ship Service Technicians emerge as pivotal characters. They not only facilitate the acquisition...
a year ago
Resources are the lifeblood of Starfield, serving as the fundamental ingredients for crafting items, modifications, and structures. What...
a year ago
Phantom Liberty unfolds amidst the backdrop of Cyberpunk 2077's main storyline, introducing an entirely fresh district, an accompanying...
a year ago
As Cyberpunk 2077 gears up for a new era with Update 2.0 and the upcoming Phantom Liberty expansion, it's crucial to check if your PC meets...
a year ago
CD Projekt Red has undertaken a comprehensive overhaul of numerous gameplay mechanics and core features within Cyberpunk 2077. Whether or...
a year ago
The initial feedback for Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty is overwhelmingly positive, indicating a significant turnaround for CD Projekt Red...
a year ago
Navigating through the vastness of Starfield can be a challenge. With numerous solar systems and planets to explore, knowing the locations...
a year ago
While skill and strategy are undeniably crucial, equipping the right gun gives you that extra edge on the battlefield. In this article, we...
a year ago
Cyberpunk 2077's Phantom Liberty DLC is approaching, and you might be wondering how to access the expansion and whether you need to...
a year ago
CD Projekt Red has been steadily updating Cyberpunk 2077 since its initial release, and the latest 2.0 patch aims to overhaul the RPG even...
a year ago
Party Animals currently enjoys a coveted spot within the top 5 on the best-sellers list in the popular PC gaming platform, Steam. You can...
a year ago
Party Animals, the highly-anticipated game, has captured the interest of numerous gamers due to its unique concept as an animal-themed...
a year ago
The highly-anticipated Overwatch 2 Anniversary event has made its way to PC, Xbox, PlayStation, and Nintendo Switch, bringing with it a...
a year ago
Particle Beam weapons shine as a unique and powerful weapon category within the world of Starfield. What makes them special? These weapons...
a year ago
In Bethesda's new RPG, Starfield, skill magazines are hidden all over the galaxy. These magazines boost various skills when collected,...
a year ago
Despite Microsoft's history of struggling to secure exclusive titles against PlayStation, Starfield's origin was quite different from its...
a year ago
Cyberpunk 2077 fans are eagerly anticipating the upcoming 2.0 Update and the release of the Phantom Liberty DLC. Despite the initial...
a year ago
It's an exciting time for Cyberpunk 2077 enthusiasts. This week, the new 2.0 Update is set to roll out for players on Xbox Series X/S,...
a year ago
Cyberpunk 2077 enthusiasts, mark your calendars, as the highly anticipated Phantom Liberty DLC is just around the corner, promising to...
a year ago
As the much-anticipated Phantom Liberty DLC approaches for Cyberpunk 2077, fans of the franchise are gearing up to revisit the game and...
a year ago