As Apex Legends enters its 17th season, it finds itself amidst controversy. While the previous season focused on fixing older Legends, the...
a year ago
For those dedicated fans who have been part of the League of Legends community for years, the options for spending BE have been limited....
a year ago
In a comprehensive message shared on social media, Ybarra revealed that the Overwatch team gave a sneak peek of "Invasion" to others at...
a year ago
The Valorant Champions tournament is the pinnacle of Valorant esports, and as such, it boasts the highest prize pool of any tournament...
a year ago
The developers behind Apex Legends have made it clear that they will not be returning to the old versions of the game's Ranked system....
a year ago
As Season 5 of Overwatch 2 winds down, Blizzard gears up for their most significant content drop yet: Overwatch: Invasion. The update...
a year ago
The Apex Legends community has been buzzing with discussions about the potential rework of Revenant. Given the continuous changes to the...
a year ago
The Riyadh Masters has been a whirlwind, with six action-packed days of Dota 2 already behind us. The initial two days consisted of the...
a year ago
In Battle Royale games like Apex Legends, the Ring (also known as the gas or zone) plays a crucial role. As the match progresses and player...
a year ago
Riot has released information on their planned changes for patch 13.15, which drops on August 2nd.
These changes are aimed to freshen up...
a year ago
In the ever-evolving world of Apex Legends, some characters find themselves struggling to make a significant impact on the battlefield....
a year ago
The highly anticipated League of Legends patch 13.15 is approaching, promising various changes to improve the game's balance. Notably,...
a year ago
For the first time, the prestigious Valorant Champions will be hosted in North America, specifically in Los Angeles, as a tribute to the...
a year ago
As rumors circulate about the possible downfall of the Overwatch League, experts from the gaming and esports industry have been vocal about...
a year ago
Today we're going to be covering the three best heroes for climbing out of Silver/Platinum in each role. Climbing from different roles in...
a year ago
Since 2021, there have been ongoing discussions about implementing salary caps in the LCK, despite opposition from T1, one of the league's...
a year ago
Valorant Premier is the latest addition to Riot Games' vision for the future of competitive Valorant. It marks a significant step towards...
a year ago
Hello, and welcome to our mid-season 5 support tier list. We will be splitting our rankings into two different tier lists. Our first tier...
a year ago
Apex Legends recently rolled out the highly anticipated Arsenal Ranked update, introducing a series of changes aimed at creating...
a year ago
The future of the Overwatch League, Activision Blizzard's city-based esports venture, appears to be hanging in the balance. Recent...
a year ago