Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred has arrived, breathing new life into the game with exciting features like the Spiritborn class and the Nahantu jungle region. The endgame has become even more interesting with fresh challenges like the Dark Citadel co-op dungeon and the timed Kurast Undercity. Unique items and the new Torment difficulty system have redefined the loot grind, allowing players more ways to fine-tune their builds. Among these features, the boss ladder remains the core of farming endgame loot, and with new Unique items and Mythics, it’s more important than ever to defeat these bosses.
Grigoire is one of these bosses, and not only can he drop some of the strongest Unique items in the game, but you can now also choose to defeat him in the new Torment difficulties. In this article, we will go over how and where you can summon Grigoire, as well as the full list of items that can drop from him in the new Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred expansion.

Grigoire Location & Summon Requirements
Grigoire, The Galvanic Saint can be found in the Hall of the Penitent dungeon in the Dindai Flats zone of the Dry Steppes. It's just south of the Ked Bardu waypoint so you will be able to access it fairly quickly. Once you enter the Hall of the Penitent, you will have to go through a few packs of monsters before reaching the summoning altar at the boss arena.

Summoning Grigoire requires Living Steel, a resource that can be found in the Helltide open-world events. All of the different Tortured Offering chests will provide you with a certain amount of Living Steel, with the highest amount dropping from the Tortured Gift of Living Steel chest.
Helltides spawn every hour and last for 55 minutes, with a 5-minute gap that resets the amount of Cinders you have acquired. All of the different chests in the Helltide events cost a certain amount of Cinders to open, with the Living Steel chest requiring 250. Living Steel can also drop from Elite The item can also drop in some of the endgame activities in the Vessel of Hatred expansion, such as the Undercity of Kurast, as well as through bartering at the Mercenary Den. The best way to farm Exquisite Blood remains through Helltides however!

How to Summon Grigoire
Grigoire can only be found and summoned while playing on any of the new Torment difficulties introduced in the Vessel of Hatred expansion. This means that you will need to reach level 60 and complete a Tier 20 run of the Pit before you can summon him. Higher Torment difficulties will make the fight much harder, with an increased life pool and damage for him, while your character receives penalties to armor and resistances. However, defeating him on higher difficulties will be much more rewarding, with more Unique items dropping and an increased chance of getting Mythics.
Here are the materials needed to summon Grigoire on any of the four Torment difficulties:
- 12x Living Steel
Don't forget that you can use the new party finder to create and join groups of players, so you can share the materials in a rotation, making it much more efficient and rewarding.

Grigoire Loot Table & Rewards
Grigoire, The Galvanic Saint, is one of the most important endgame bosses in Diablo 4, as he drops one half of the resources required to summon Uber Duriel. Additionally, the boss drops a handful of Unique items which you can target-farm. Grigoire also has a small chance to drop Mythic Uniques, making him very rewarding to farm. Here is the full list of Unique items that can drop from Grigoire, The Galvanic Saint:
- Shard of Agony - Resource needed to summon Uber Duriel.
That concludes our step-by-step guide on how to summon Grigoire, The Galvanic Saint, as well as the full list of items that can drop from him. With so many Unique items that can drop, as well as the small chance for a Mythic Unique, Grigoire remains one of the best bosses to farm in Season 6. For more Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred news and guides, make sure to check out the rest of our website!