Dragon's Dogma 2: How to Unlock the Warrior Vocation

Are you wondering how you can unlock the Warrior Vocation in Dragon's Dogma 2? Here is everything you need to know!

Dragon's Dogma 2: How to Unlock the Warrior Vocation

One of the core philosophies of Dragon's Dogma 2 is allowing players to have a lot of freedom and agency on how they want to tackle their own adventure. Even though it's yet another open-world RPG, it does have a lot of similarities to some early-2000s sandbox-style games, with its lack of constraints and minimal amounts of hand-holding. This can also be found within its class system, with 6 different Vocations that can be found throughout the world with little to no information on how you can actually unlock them. Some of them are easier to find than others, and if you truly want to experience everything in Dragon's Dogma 2, you are going to want to unlock them all.

One of the most sought-after Vocations in the game is the Warrior, which is your typical two-handed melee option, with slow attacks that deal devastating damage. In this article, we are going to show you how you can unlock the Warrior Vocation in Dragon's Dogma 2!

Dragon's Dogma 2 Warrior Vocation



Dragon's Dogma 2: How to Unlock the Warrior Vocation

The Warrior is one of the first Vocations that you can unlock in Dragon's Dogma 2. If you are looking for a slow but high-damage dealing melee Vocation, here is what you need to do in order to unlock it. The Warrior Vocation can be unlocked by completing the "Vocation Frustration" quest in Dragon's Dogma 2. This quest can be started by talking to Klaus, who can be found in the Vernworth Vocation Guild in Vernworth.

Dragon's Dogma 2 Klaus Location



After speaking to Klaus, the "Vocation Frustration" quest will be started and you will need to bring an archistaff and greatsword back to him. Each of these weapons is tied to the two Vocations that can be unlocked through the quest, with the former being for the Sorcerer and the latter for the Warrior. Klaus will accept any greatsword for the quest, but considering this is quite early in the game, you might not have found any on your adventure. The best way to find a greatsword at the beginning of the game is by traveling to Trevo Mine, which is a location you will have to reach for the main-story quest "Monster Culling".

Trevo Mine Location Dragon's Dogma 2

Trevo Mine is filled with goblins and chests, and in one of those chests, you will be able to find a greatsword. Bring this weapon back to Klaus, and he will unlock the Warrior Vocation for you. Keep in mind that any greatsword will work, and this is just a good way to get one in the earlier stages of the game.

Dragon's Dogma 2 Klaus

Warrior Unlock Summary:

  • Talk to Klaus, who can be found in the Vernworth Vocation Guild in Vernworth.
  • Find and deliver a greatsword weapon back to him, in order to complete the ''Vocation Frustration'' quest.
  • Any greatsword will work and we recommend getting one from the chests in Trevo Mine.
  • Return to Klaus with the archistaff and he will unlock the Sorcerer Vocation for you.

That concludes our comprehensive guide on how to unlock the Warrior Vocation in Dragon's Dogma 2. If you are interested in a high damage melee playstyle, make sure to unlock this Vocation as soon as you reach Vernworth. For more Dragon's Dogma 2 news and guides, make sure to check out the rest of our website!
