LEGO Fortnite: How to Get Copper and Copper Bars Explained

In this article, you will find out how to get copper and make copper bars in LEGO Fortnite.

LEGO Fortnite: How to Get Copper and Copper Bars Explained
LEGO Fortnite: How to Get Copper and Copper Bars Explained

The vibrant brick-built world of LEGO Fortnite offers players the chance to gather resources, craft tools and structures, and explore imaginative biomes. Two important materials for progression are Copper and Copper Bars. This guide will explain where to find Copper Ore deposits in the LEGO Fortnite map and how to process them into Copper Bars.

How to Get Copper in LEGO Fortnite

LEGO Fortnite How to Get Copper and Copper Bars Explained 1.png

  • Copper Ore deposits spawn in the desert biome's underground lava caves.
  • Look around the sandy desert for a conspicuous mound of bricks covering a cave entrance.
  • Equip a Rare pickaxe before entering these hot zones.

Once inside the gloomy caverns, scout the floors and walls for distinctive teal Copper Ore seams. Mine them with the pickaxe to extract raw Copper pieces.

  • Lava caves also contain other valuable materials like Brightcore and Obsidian.
  • Stock up while exploring these dangerous yet rewarding zones.



How to Make Copper Bars

LEGO Fortnite How to Get Copper and Copper Bars Explained 2.png

To process Copper Ore into pure Copper Bars, players will need to craft a Metal Smelter from their Utility menu. This requires the following components:

  • 15 Brightcore
  • 35 Obsidian Slab
  • 3 Blast Core

Brightcore and Obsidian Slabs come from harvesting lava caves. Blast Cores drop rarely from defeating Blaster enemies. Once the prerequisites are met, open the Utility menu and select the Metal Smelter blueprint to add this station to the island.



Utilize Metal Smelter

Interacting with the Metal Smelter unlocks its crafting menu. Under "Recipes" select the Copper Bar option to begin production. Each Copper Bar requires:

  • 1 Copper
  • 2 Brightcore

Insert the necessary materials from your backpack and the smelter will start converting them into shiny new Copper Bars, which can then be collected from the output hopper.



Uses for Copper Bars

This versatile metal is utilized across many LEGO Fortnite recipes including:

  • Ovens - Essential for cooking and healing up after battles. Needs 15 Copper Bars.
  • Grapplers - Zip around buildings and ascend heights rapidly. Requires 3 Copper Bars.
  • Larger storage chests - Expand backpack capacity for more harvesting potential.
  • Mailboxes - Useful method for transmitting items between players.

Check the building menus for dozens more options. As an essential material, collecting Copper Ore and having a steady Copper Bar production line should be a priority for all LEGO Fortnite players.




Item Location Uses
Copper Ore Desert biome lava caves Smelting into Copper Bars
Metal Smelter Crafted at Utility station Processes Copper and Brightcore into Copper Bars
Copper Bars Metal Smelter output Crafting storage chests, Ovens, Grapplers, and more

Hopefully this clearly explains how to acquire this important LEGO Fortnite resource. Now get crafting and enjoy the creative possibilities of the brick-built island!

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