LEGO Fortnite: How to Get More Hearts

In this guide, you will find all the information you need to know on how to get more hearts in LEGO Fortnite.

LEGO Fortnite: How to Get More Hearts
LEGO Fortnite: How to Get More Hearts

In LEGO Fortnite, players start out with only three hearts representing their health. This minimal amount of health makes exploration and battles more difficult. Fortunately, there are ways to increase your maximum health. In this guide, we will tell you how to get more hearts in LEGO Fortnite. Let's go!

How to Get More Hearts in LEGO Fortnite

The primary method for gaining additional hearts is by equipping Health Charms. Health Charms are accessories that raise both your health and defense when worn.

  • The most basic health charm requires three silk threads, three bones, and five wolf claws to craft at a crafting bench.
  • As players upgrade their crafting bench, they gain access to enhanced health charms with even more health and other bonuses like heat resistance.
  • Health charms can also rarely be found in treasure chests and loot llamas.



How to Craft Health Charms

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To craft health charms, players need to collect certain materials.

  • Silk threads are made from silk which drops from defeated mini spiders.
  • Bones come from skeletons 
  • Wolf claws come from wolves

Farming these mobs by exploring wilderness areas is the easiest way to stock up on health charm ingredients. Pay attention to butterflies, which can guide players to hidden treasure chests also containing health charms.



Consume Food Items

On a more temporary basis, players can regain health by consuming food. Food like coconuts, bananas, floppers, and slurp fish can all restore lost hearts during or after combat. Combining equipped health charms with a steady diet of healing foods is the best tactic.



Maximize Health Early On

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Due to LEGO Fortnite’s survival mechanics, players should prioritize crafting their first health charm as soon as possible. Battles and fall damage rapidly deplete hearts, so it’s risky to explore for long without upgrading health. Players with only three hearts are very limited in their adventuring.




  • Equip Health Charm crafted at benches to permanently raise max health
  • Farm spiders, skeletons, and wolves to get crafting materials
  • Check butterflies for hidden treasure chests with charms
  • Eat food items to heal health during battles
  • Crafting the first Health Charm early on is vital

By obtaining more hearts through both charms and food, LEGO Fortnite becomes much more exciting to play. Max health enables challenging battles, daring exploration, and lengthy survival runs.

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