Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 2 - Best Assault Loadout & Perks

We will take a look at the best Assault build for Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2.

Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 2 - Best Assault Loadout & Perks
Saber Interactive

With the release of Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2, many players are looking forward to decimate the countless waves of Tyranids. If you are looking for the best build for the Assault class, then look no further.

We will go over the best perks and weapons you can use in your PvE encounters so you can destroy any enemy that comes your way. Not only is the new Warhammer 40K game getting tons of praise from the fanbase, but even newcomers are excited to get their hands on this extremely fun and addictive third-person shooter hack-n-slash.



Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 2 Assault Class

Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 2 - Best Assault Loadout & Perks
Saber Interactive

The Assault class specializes in melee-focused combat whilst utilizing a jetpack (Jump Pack) that allows you to quickly jump into the fray or avoid unfavorable fights. Not only do you excel at decimating smaller Tyranids, but you also have a very fun and intuitive playstyle that allows you to clear waves of enemies in no time. 

  • Jump Pack Effect: Perfect Dodge timing increases by 50%
  • Ground Pound: After you use Jump Pack you can slam down and deal damage to enemies in an area

Although you lack a Primary Weapon, your perks more than make up for this weakness as you will find yourself obliterating any enemy daring to take you down. When push comes to shove, you also have your trusted Secondary Weapon, however, you will mostly be using your Melee Weapon as this Space Marine 2 class is just too fun to play with ranged weapons. 



Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 2 Assault Build Best Perks

Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 2 - Best Assault Loadout & Perks
Saber Interactive

The Assault class is nothing without its perks given how vulnerable you can be to ranged damage. Although you can lay waste on smaller enemies, you might find some difficulties defeating elite Tyranids, so you will need to primarily focus on taking out bigger groups of creeps. 

Space Marine 2: Best Assault Core Perks

Core Perks Effect
Armour Reinforcement Non-Finisher Gin Strikes restore armor
Auxiliary Arsenal +15% Secondary Weapon DMG
Knowledge of the Enemy +15% Melee DMG against high-level enemies
  • Armour Reinforcement is a great option as you will constantly be taking damage, so having the option to restore armor is of great help
  • Auxiliary Arsenal will help you deal with pesky Tyranids when you are unable to take them out face-on
  • Knowledge of the Enemy will help you kill Majoris or Extremis enemies much faster



Space Marine 2: Best Assault Team Perk

Team Perk Effect
Proven Efficiency     All Squad Members deal 50% more Gun Strike Damage
  • Proven Efficiency will be of great help to you and your teammates as the increased damage will allow you to more easily critical hits

Space Marine 2: Best Assault Gear Perks

Gear Perks Effect
Hammer of Wrath Ground Pound grants immunity to knockback from enemy Heavy Attacks 
Zealous Blow +10% Charge for Jump Pack
Pride in Duty After a Finisher, +25% Ground Pound DMG for 10s
  • Hammer of Wrath gives you the option to efficiently weave in attacks after using Jump Pack without having to deal with knockbacks
  • Zealous Blow lets you build up your Jump Pack charge much faster after killing enemies with Ground Pound
  • Pride in Duty increases the damage of Ground Pound after you use a Finisher

Space Marine 2: Best Assault Signature Perk

Team Perk Effect
Ample Ammunition Jump Pack reloads Ranged Weapon
  • Ample Ammunition is great when you find yourself needing a quick reload



Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 2 Assault Build Best Weapons and Perks

Since you are limited to only 2 weapons for the Assault class in Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2, you will be utilizing the Heavy Bolt Pistol Secondary Weapon and the Thunder Hammer Melee Weapon for maximum damage. We will also go over some stats and the best perks for each weapon.

Space Marine 2: Best Heavy Bolt Pistol Perks

Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 2 - Best Assault Loadout & Perks
Saber Interactive

The Heavy Bolt Pistol will be your trusted companion when dealing with ranged enemies. With a relatively fast reload speed, you can quickly empty out mags on Tyranids whilst sporting relatively good accuracy. Here are the best perks you can use to further enhance the damage:

Heavy Bolt Pistol Perks Effect
Great Might Damage increases by 10% against Terminus enemies
Death Strike Majoris or higher level enemy kills with a Melee Weapon increases damage by +25% for 5 seconds
Close Combat Enemies at a distance of no more than 15 meters take 10% more Damage
Perpetual Precision Maximum Spread decreases by 10%
Gun Strike Reload After a Gun Strike, the equipped Weapon instantly reloads
Head Hunter Headshots deal 10% more Damage
Adamant Hunter When your Health is below 30%. Headshots deal 25% more Damage
Extended Magazine Magazine Size increases by 15% of the maximum



Space Marine 2: Best Thunder Hammer Perks

Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 2 - Best Assault Loadout & Perks
Saber Interactive

Your bread and butter in Space Marine 2, the Thunder Hammer will allow you to smash enemies without much hassle. Make sure to avoid using the Charged attack as you will lose out on some DPS. With that being said, here are the best perks you can use:

Thunder Hammer Perks Effect
Perpetual Strength Melee Damage increases by 5%
Fast Preparation Majoris or higher level enemy kills with a Melee Weapon increases damage by +25% for 5 seconds
Shattering Impact Aftershock preparation time is reduced by 30%
Seismic Chain After performing a Ground Slam, hold the attack button to perform an additional Ground Slam
Armoured Strength When you have full Armour, Melee Damage increases by 10%
Hard Target While performing a Light Combo, you take 15% less Ranged Damage
Chaos Slayer Melee Damage against Chaos enemies increases by 10%
Tyranid Slayer Melee Damage against Tyranid enemies increases by 10%

And that covers all of the best perks and weapons you can use for the Assault class. Although you can adjust your loadout according to your team's needs, these options should serve you well in any PvE content you tackle in Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 2.
