Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 2 - Starting Class Tier List

We will take a look at all of the classes in Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 and rank the best and worst classes for beginners.

Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 2 - Best Starting Class Tier List
Saber Interactive

Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 is already proving to be another success given the incredible amount of positive feedback from early access players. Not only does this sequel provide an enhanced experience both visually and gameplay-wise, but it also provides a very fun and engaging way for you to team up with your friends and complete either PvE or PvP content.

With that in mind, if you are new to the Warhammer universe, then this guide will serve as a starting point when it comes to picking your class so you can get blasting enemy Tyranids in no time. 



Tier List Explanation

Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 Best Classes Tier List
Saber Interactive

NOTE: This tier list is aimed at PvE content, and although it strives to be as objective as possible, you should always experiment and see which class feels right for you.

We will examine all 6 of the available classes in Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 and rank them according to their individual strength and utility they offer. 

  • S-Tier: The best classes you can use when you first start out. 
  • A-Tier: Great options but are either too niche or have a higher skill ceiling.
  • B-Tier: Generally viable classes but require specific team comps to be efficient.



Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 S-Tier Starter Classes

Tactical Marine

Tactical Class


The jack-of-all-trades, you cannot go wrong with this class as it offers a good mix of ranged and melee power whilst also being a great support for your team due to your Auspex Scan ability that increases the damage dealt to enemies. Versatility is the name of the game.

  • Primary Weapons: Auto Bolt Rifle, Bolt Rifle, Heavy Bolt Rifle, Stalker Bolt Rifle, Bolt Carbine, Plasma Incinerator, Melta Rifle
  • Secondary Weapons: Bolt Pistol
  • Melee Weapons: Chainsword
Heavy Class

Heavy Class

A tank class that excels in dishing out tons of damage, but your lack of mobility might be a detriment in some scenarios. You can double as a support pick that deals with weaker Tyranids as you secure zones for your team as the Iron Halo ability creates a barrier that protects you and your team from ranged damage.

  • Primary Weapons: Heavy Bolter, Heavy Plasma Incinerator, Multi-Melta
  • Secondary Weapons: Plasma Pistol, Bolt Pistol
  • Melee Weapons: N/A



Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 A-Tier Starter Classes

Sniper Class

Sniper Class

If you wanna try a long-range specialist that excels at dealing with strong Tyranids then look no further. The Camo Cloak ability allows you to enter stealth which can be very useful for escaping a wave of enemies or reviving your allies. Keeping your distance is key to victory. 

  • Primary Weapons: Stalker Bolt Rifle, Bolt Sniper Rifle, Bolt Carbine, Las Fusil
  • Secondary Weapons: Bolt Pistol
  • Melee Weapons: Combat Knife
Assault Class

Assault Class

If you like going up close and personal, then the Assault class will be your best friend. With a heavy emphasis on melee damage, your Jump Pack ability allows you to deal heavy AoE damage and get straight into the action. 

  • Primary Weapons: N/A
  • Secondary Weapons: Bolt Pistol, Heavy Bolt Pistol
  • Melee Weapons: Chainsword, Thunder Hammer, Power Fist



Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 B-Tier Starter Classes

Bulwark Class

Bulwark Class

Possibly one of the most difficult classes to manage as you will act as the frontline for your team by sporting a massive shield to protect you from enemies. Your Chapter Banner ability recharges armor making you a great defensive option. 

  • Primary Weapons: N/A
  • Secondary Weapons: Bolt Pistol, Plasma Pistol
  • Melee Weapons: Chainsword, Power Sword, Power Fist
Vanguard Class

Vanguard Class


Another melee-heavy focused class that specializes in dealing with stronger Tyranids, you have great mobility, but a lower armor grade making you more vulnerable in the process. Your Grapnel Launcher ability is excellent for closing the distance and taking out enemies. 

  • Primary Weapons: Instigator Bolt Carbine, Occulus Bolt Carbine, Melta Rifle
  • Secondary Weapons: Bolt Pistol
  • Melee Weapons: Chainsword, Combat Knife



Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 Best Starter Classes

Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 2 Best Starter Classes
Saber Interactive

We have listed all of the available classes in Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 2. Although each class has its unique strengths and weaknesses some classes are more noob-friendly than others. In the end, it is up to you to decide which role you would like to fulfill if you are playing with your friends, but this tier list should give you a basic understanding of how each class works.

Tier Classes
S-Tier Tactical Marine, Heavy Marine
A-Tier Sniper Marine, Assault Marine
B-Tier Bulwark Marine, Vanguard Marine

Keep in mind that each class has an extensive list of perks that can benefit you or your team, depending on what goal you would like to achieve as well as the type of mission you are undergoing. Best of luck on your campaign in Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 2.
