Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 2 - Best Bulwark Build

In this guide, we'll show you how to create the perfect Bulwark build in Space Marine 2, including best weapons and perks.

Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 2 - Best Bulwark Build
Saber Interactive

Although you'll have no trouble defeating your enemies during the very beginning of Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2, sooner or later you'll have to create a good build to help you win battles.

If you like aggression and violent offense strategies, the Bulwark Class will be perfect for you. However, you can always make it better, so in this guide, we'll tell you how to make the best Bulwark build in Space Marine 2.



Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 2 Bulwark Class

Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 2 - Best Bulwark Build
Saber Interactive

The Bulwark Class in Space Marine 2 serves as the Tank of the team, and these warriors are the best when it comes to deflecting attacks. However, it's important to note that this category does not offer any Primary Weapons, so you need to be careful when you're choosing the rest of your equipment.

The Bulwark Class mainly focuses on using Melee Weapons and shields. The best news is that it offers the Chapter Banner as a default ability, which is used to restore the armor sets of all Squad Members within its area of effect. This can help you a lot when it comes to defense and holding the line when there are big waves of enemies.



Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 2 Bulwark Build Best Perks

Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 2 - Best Bulwark Build
Saber Interactive

These perks will focus on expanding the window for lost Health and ensuring maximum synergy with Shock Grenades. You can use a total of 8 perks for the Bulwark build, and these particular ones will also increase your damage output immensely.

Best Bulwark Build Core Perks

Perk Effect
Conviction -25% Health DMG when armor is fully depleted
Shock and Awe Shock area deals +25% DMG
Defensive Advantage Perfect Perry creates a Shock area for 5s

Best Bulwark Build Team Perks

Perk Effect
Advanced Conditioning 50% slower fade of Contested Health

Best Bulwark Build Gear Perks

Perk Effect
Focused Strength Shield Bash knocks back enemies
Invigorating Icon Teammates regain Contested Health when Banner is active
Glory’s Shield All teammates close to the Banner take 10% less DMG

Best Bulwark Build Signature Perks

Perk Effect
Emergency Countermeasure Shock Grenade detonates automatically when armor is depleted



Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 2 Bulwark Build Best Weapons & Perks

The two weapons we used to create the best Bulwark build in Space Marine 2 are the Power Sword and the Plasma Pistol. Let's take a look at the best perks for each gun, so you can progress fast in the game.

Best Bulwark Build Power Sword Perks

Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 2 - Best Bulwark Build
Saber Interactive

The Power Sword has great potential in the Bulwark build, and when you unlock the Gathalamor Crusade version by spending a Relic Amory Point and 17,000 XP, you'll see exactly how powerful this weapon is.

You can enhance its ability to make parry windows more forgiving by using the following perks:

Perk Description
Armored Strength +10% Melee DMG for full Armor
Master of Offence +20% Melee DMG for 5s after switching sword-combat style
Perpetual Strength +5% Melee DMG
Tranquillity No loss of control from Heavy Hits and no knockback while in Power Whirl Stance
Slashing Blade +1 strike for Power Style combo
Tyranid Slayer +10% Melee DMG against Tyranid enemies
Hard Target -15% Ranged DMG while performing Light Combos
Reeling Blow -30% DMG for 4s after being hit by Power Rake
Majoris Slayer +10% Melee DMG against Majoris-level enemies



Best Bulwark Build Plasma Pistol Perks

Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 2 - Best Bulwark Build
Saber Interactive

Although the Plasma Pistol doesn't have the best ammo capacity, it can charge 10 bullets with one shot, and it's great for attacking ranged enemies. These perks will reduce your charge-up time, and they'll help you deal extra damage from dodging.

Here are the 8 boosts that will improve the Plasma Pistol even further:

Perk Description
Fast Venting -15% cooldown time
Rampage +25% DMG for 5s after killing 10 enemies in a row
Supercharged Shot +10% DMG from Charged Shots
Great Might +10% DMG against Terminus enemies
Plasma Collection +20% Energy Reserve of Plasma Weapons
Efficiency Charge Charged Shots use 2 less energy units
Retaliation +25% DMG after a perfect Dodge
Fast Venting -15% cooldown time

Have fun and good luck on your next adventure! For more information about Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 2, you can check out this article.
