Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 2 - Best Sniper Loadout & Perks

We will take a look at the best Sniper build for Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2.

With the release of Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2, many players are looking forward to decimate the countless waves of Tyranids. If you are looking for the best build for the Sniper class, then look no further.

We will go over the best perks and weapons you can use in your PvE encounters so you can destroy any enemy that comes your way. Not only is the new Warhammer 40K game getting tons of praise from the fanbase, but even newcomers are excited to get their hands on this extremely fun and addictive third-person shooter hack-n-slash.



Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 2 Sniper Class

Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 2 - Best Sniper Loadout & Perks
Saber Interactive

The Sniper class specializes in long-ranged combat. You excel at dealing with high-priority targets whilst also being able to effectively position yourself due to your cloaking ability that turns you invisible until your next shot, which can even be used to revive fallen allies. 

  • Camo Cloak Effect: Headshot Damage increases by 10%

Snipers have low mobility in comparison to other classes, but they make up for it with the incredible damage and utility they bring to the team given their effectiveness at taking down high-health targets. 



Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 2 Sniper Build Best Perks

Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 2 - Best Sniper Build
Saber Interactive

The Sniper class is nothing without its perks given how vulnerable you can be to ranged damage. Although you can offer some great single-target damage, you will mostly be a bullet sponge for your team as you deal with the more difficult enemies. 

Space Marine 2: Best Sniper Core Perks

Core Perks Effect
Block Break Shots against blocked or shielded enemies deal 25% of normal Ranged Damage
High Capacity The maximum amount of Ammo you can carry increases by 10%
Lethal Efficiency Killing more than 1 enemy with one shot from a Las Fusil restores its charge by 1
  • Block Break can help you break the defense of stronger enemies
  • High Capacity having extra ammo can always be a game-decider
  • Lethal Efficiency allows you to spam your weapon more often so you can take out multiple enemies



Space Marine 2: Best Sniper Team Perk

Team Perk Effect
Marksmanship Headshot Damage increases by 10% for all Squad Members
  • Marksmanship is amazing if your team knows how to go for headshots

Space Marine 2: Best Sniper Gear Perks

Gear Perks Effect
Renewal A Headshot kill restores Camo Cloak’s Charge by 5%
Targeted Shot The first Ranged Attack that breaks Camo Cloak deals 75% more Damage
Persistence When Camo Claok deactivates you take 20% less Health Damage for 5 seconds
  • Renewal will help you get your ability back up in case of an emergency
  • Targeted Shot is an amazing perk to use so you can take down high-priority targets
  • Persistence will help you survive an onslaught of enemies in tight situations

Space Marine 2: Best Sniper Signature Perk

Team Perk Effect
Pattern of Excellence Performing 4 consecutive Headshots restores Equipment Charge by 1. Cooldown is 180 seconds
  • Pattern of Excellence enables you to use your utility more often



Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 2 Sniper Build Best Weapons and Perks

Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 2 - Best Sniper Loadout & Perks
Saber Interactive

The Sniper class has the option to use three different weapons in Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2, but will be mainly using your Primary Weapon.

  • Primary Weapon - Las Fusil
  • Secondary Weapon - Bolt Pistol
  • Melee Weapon - Combat Knife

Space Marine 2: Best Las Fusil Perks

Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 2 - Best Sniper Loadout & Perks
Saber Interactive

The Las Fusil single-fire energy rifle is amazing with the perks we have selected for this Sniper build. Make sure to keep popping those Tyranid heads. 

 Las Fusil Perks Effect
Increased Capacity The maximum Ammo Reserve of this Weapon increases by 20%
Adamant Restoration When your Health drops below 30% your Ammo Reserve is restored by 25% of the maximum capacity. Cannot exceed maximum Ammo capacity. Cooldown is 30 seconds
Amplification Radius of Beam Weapons increases by 10%
Head Hunter Headshots deal 10% more Damage
Head Hunter Headshots deal 10% more Damage
Instant Health When your Health is below 30%, killing 3 enemies or more with one shot restores Health by 5%
Perpetual Velocity Shots Charge 15% faster
Fast Regeneration Killing an enemy restores Armor 0.5 seconds earlier



Space Marine 2: Best Bolt Pistol Perks

Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 2 - Best Sniper Loadout & Perks
Saber Interactive

The Bolt Pistol is quite effective for its stats, giving you just enough firepower to endure any tough situation, although you will have to use it only in dire situations. 

Bolt Pistol Perks Effect
Great Might Damage increases by 10% against Terminus enemies
Retaliation After a perfectly timed Dodge, you deal 25% more Damage for 5 seconds
Iron Grip After a Gun Strike, Recoil is reduced by 35% for 5 seconds
Divine Might Damage increases by 10%
Extended Magazine Magazine size increases by 15% of the maximum
Rapid Health When your Health is below 30% killing 10 enemies in rapid succession restores Health by 5%. Cooldown is 30 seconds
Extended Magazine Magazine size increases by 15% of the maximum
Divine Might Damage increases by 10%



Space Marine 2: Best Combat Knife Perks

Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 2 - Best Vanguard Loadout & Perks
Saber Interactive

Your handy Combat Knife feels just so satisfying to use in Space Marine 2. It will allow you to cleave through enemies as attempt to reposition yourself to land a few sweet headshots

Thunder Hammer Perks Effect
Perpetual Strength Melee Damage increases by 5%
Kinetic Energy Each consecutive Heavy Attack increases Heavy Attack Melee Damage by 3% (up to 30%) for 3 seconds
Perpetual Strength Melee Damage increases by 5%
Perpetual Strength Melee Damage increases by 5%
Shoulder Bash Replace Distant Stab with Shoulder Bash. While evading/sprinting, tap the Attack button to perform an area-of-effect forward attack quickly
Tyranid Slayer Melee Damage against Tyranid enemies increases by 10%
Reeling Blow Enemies hit by Whirlwind Slash deal 30% less Damage for 4 seconds. Cooldown is 10 seconds
Extremis Slayer Melee Damage against Extremis-level enemies increases by 15%

And that covers all of the best perks and weapons you can use for the Sniper class. Although you can adjust your loadout according to your team's needs, these options should serve you well in any PvE content you tackle in Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 2.
