World of Warcraft Season of Discovery Phase 2 has a lot of things to consider regarding the individual strength of all of the classes, so we will examine the best options in terms of items, talents, and runes for DPS Hunters.
This guide should help you get a general idea of how to best utilize the kits Hunters have so you can top the DPS charts in no time. We will make sure to update this guide as the meta changes are players find better ways of utilizing the Hunter's kit.
We will provide the best talents, runes, gear, etc. for WoW SoD Phase 2 currently so you can have an easier time clearing the new Gnomeregan Raid and do PvP in Stranglethorn Vale like it's nothing.
WoW SoD Phase 2 DPS Hunter
WoW SoD Phase 2 DPS Hunter Talents
Beast Mastery Hunters should provide adequate damage as you try to clear Gnomeregan to get even better gear. Since your pet scales with you, the damage output will be pretty significant down the line.
WoW SoD Phase 2 DPS Hunter Runes
You should look to get a hold of these runes if you would like to deal as much damage as possible.
- Chest Heart of the Lion
- Waist Expose Weakness
- Legs Kill Command or Flanking Strike if you are going for a melee build
- Feet Invigoration
- Hands Beast Mastery
WoW SoD Phase 2 DPS Hunter Pets
You should opt for either a Wind Serpent or a Cat for maximum damage as Blizzard had nerfed Scorpids in Phase 1.
WoW SoD Phase 2 DPS Hunter Raid Consumables
These are the available consumables for Hunters during Phase 2.
- Elixir of Agility
- Sagefish Delight
- Greater Mana Potion
- Elixir of Ogre's Strength if you are using a melee build
WoW SoD Phase 2 DPS Hunter Pre-BiS
- Lordrec Helmet - Quest reward from Rise, Obsidion!
- Artemis Cowl - Blackfathom Deeps Raid drop
- Sentinel's Medallion - Alliance Warsong Gulch Honored
- Scout's Medallion - Horde Warsong Gulch Honored
- Wild Leather Shoulders - Leatherworking
- Imposing Shoulders of Agility - World Drop
- Revelosh's Spaulders of Agility - drop from Uldaman Dungeon
- Failed Flying Experiment - Quest Reward from Rescue OOX-22/FE!
- Dark Hooded Cape - Drop from Nimar the Slayer (Arathi Highlands)
- Gryphon Cloak of Agility - World Drop
- Parachute Cloak - Engineering
- Blazewind Breastplate - Quest Reward from Broken Alliances Horde or Tremors of the Earth Alliance
- Brigade Breastplate of Agility - World Drop
- Forest Stalker's Bracers - Warsong Gulch Exalted
- Imperial Leather Bracers - World Drop
Hands Enchant Gloves - Agility
- Gloves of Holy Might - World Drop
- Void-Touched Leather Gloves - Leatherworking
- Shadowskin Gloves - Leatherworking
- Defiler's Chain Girdle - Horde Arathi Basin Honored
- Highlander's Chain Girdle - Alliance Arathi Basin Honored
- Scorpashi Sash - World Drop
- Bloodwoven Cord - World Drop
- Basilisk Hide Pants - World Drop
- Imposing Pants of Agility - World Drop
- Dusky Leather Leggings - Leatherworking
- Swampwalker Boots - World Drop
- Imposing Boots of Agility - World Drop
- Imperial Leather Boots - World Drop
- Jangdor's Handcrafted Boots - Quest reward from The Mark of Quality Horde
- Dusky Boots - Leatherworking
- Ring of the Underwood - World Drop
- Marsh Ring of Agility - World Drop
- Ironspine's Eye - drop from Scarlet Monastery - Graveyard
- Protector's Band - Alliance Warsong Gulch Honored
- Legionnaire's Band - Horde Warsong Gulch Honored
- Tigerblood Talisman - Stranglethorn Vale PvP Reward Mai'zin
- Avenger's Void Pearl - Blackfathom Deeps Raid drop
- Rune of Duty - Warsong Gulch Friendly
Ranged Weapon Deadly Scope
- Bow of Searing Arrows - World Drop
- Shadowforge Bushmaster - Random drop from Uldaman Dungeon
- Mithril Heavy-bore Rifle - Engineering
- The Silencer - World Drop
- Sniper Rifle of Agility/ Marksmanship - World Drop
- Outrider's Bow - Horde Warsong Gulch Revered
- Outrunner's Bow - Alliance Warsong Gulch Revered
One-Handed Weapon
- Vanquisher's Sword - Bring the Light Alliance or Bring the End Horde
- Nordic Longshank - drop from Uldaman Dungeon
- Scout's Blade - Horde Warsong Gulch Revered
- Sentinel's Blade - Alliance Warsong Gulch Revered
Two-Handed Weapon Enchant 2H Weapon - Impact
- Headstriker Sword of Agility - World Drop
- Monstrous War Axe of Agility - World Drop
- Exquisite Flamberge of Agility - World Drop
- Manslayer - random drop from Razorfen Downs Dungeon
- Guardian's Trident - Blackfathom Deeps Raid drop
- Sanguine Quiver - Stranglethorn Vale PvP Reward Mai'zin
- Quickdraw Quiver - Leatherworking
- Sanguine Ammo Pouch - Stranglethorn Vale PvP Reward Mai'zin
- Thick Leather Ammo Pouch - Leatherworking
WoW SoD Phase 2 DPS Hunter BiS
- Glowing Gneuro-Linked Cowl - Leatherworking
- Marksman's Scopevisor - Gnomeregan Raid Drop
- Gnomeregan Peace Officer's Torque - Gnomeregan Raid Drop
- Troggslayer Pauldrons - Gnomeregan Raid Drop
- Prototype Parachute Cloak - Gnomeregan Raid Drop
- Electromantic Chainmail - Gnomeregan Raid Drop
- Experimental Aim Stabilizers - Gnomeregan Raid Drop
Hands Enchant Gloves - Agility
- Machinist's Gloves (BiS against Mechanical Enemies) - Gnomeregan Raid Drop
- Fingers of Arcane Accuracy - Gnomeregan Raid Drop
- Gloves of Holy Might - World Drop
- Hyperconductive Goldwrap - Engineering
- Darkvision Girdle - Gnomeregan Raid Drop
Legs Thick Armor Kit
- Electromantic Chausses - Gnomeregan Raid Drop
- Electromantic Grounding Sabatons - Gnomeregan Raid Drop
- Ring of the Underwood - World Drop
- Marsh Ring of Agility - World Drop
- Tigerblood Talisman - Stranglethorn Vale PvP Reward Mai'zin
- Avenger's Void Pearl - Blackfathom Deeps Raid drop
- Gyromatic Experiment 420b - Gnomeregan Raid Drop
Ranged Weapon Deadly Scope
- Thermaplugg's Custom Blaster - Gnomeregan Raid Drop
Two-Handed Weapon Enchant 2H Weapon - Impact
- Headstriker Sword of Agility - World Drop
- Gyromatic Macro-Adjustor - Gnomeregan Raid Drop
- Sanguine Ammo Pouch - Stranglethorn Vale PvP Reward Mai'zin