World of Warcraft Season of Discovery Phase 2 has been seeing a lot of criticism from the community as the most recent changes have brought a lot of frustration to the player base.
A lot of players are experiencing severe lag when participating in the Blood Moon Event in Stranglethorn Vale, with many players reporting unplayable conditions due to the large amount of characters running wild.
We will be taking a closer look at these complaints and see how Blizzard is looking to fix this issue as PvP is a huge part of the SoD experience.

WoW SoD Phase 2: PvP Event Lag Issues
Massive input lag, players visibly teleporting from one location to another, and even players unable to join groups on the same layer. These are the most common issues the community is facing when trying to participate in the Blood Moon event.
Not only do these issues heavily impact the enjoyment of PvP enthusiasts, but it also sets a precedent as to how effective the layering system truly is. Since some players are reporting that the world feels empty due to the large amount of layers separating players, there seems to be a rather difficult solution to these problems.
On the one hand, if there are too many layers, the lag might improve, however that will lead to not enough players participating in the event to make it worthwhile.
On the other hand, the intense lag will make it unfun for players to truly show their fighting prowess and ultimately turn the event into a lag fiesta where you spam kills near altars to get at least some blood coins.
WoW SoD Phase 2: Dev Solutions and Feedback

Currently, Blizzard is seeking feedback from the community so they can resolve the issues as best as they can. It is great to hear that the devs are open to constructive criticism and input from the players to make the game more enjoyable.
Although there have been some rather harsh critics, Phase 2 of SoD has been very fun and enjoyable not only because of the new Gnomeregan raid, but the new and player-centric PvP Event where you have to do whatever it takes to collect tribute to the Blood Loa.
According to a recent blue post, you can send the team feedback by following a similar template:
- Please describe the behavior or experience in as great a detail as possible.
- Who was impacted by that behavior?
- Where were the players who were impacted located?
- What day and time (server time) did the issue occur?
- What realm are you on?
Hopefully, the feedback will be beneficial to the dev team to pinpoint the exact pain points and provide a solution as quickly as possible. Good luck in your adventures in SoD Phase 2, and may the RNG Gods bless you.