World of Warcraft: The War Within offers players plenty of new adventures to explore. Along with new features, such as the Hero Talent Tree, there's a wealth of new content to enjoy. WoW: The War Within includes a wide variety of mounts you can collect. In this article, we will look at the easiest ones to obtain on your WoW: TWW journey:
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Reins of the Soaring Meaderbee

We’re starting with a mount that is really easy to farm. This stunning orange bee is fairly simple to get. To earn this mount, you need to collect 900 Sizzling Cinderpollen, which can be looted from Bees around the Cinderbrew Meadery raid. Elite Bees have a high drop rate, but you can also gather Sizzling Cinderpollen from non-Elite mobs in the area, including Rustcloud Runt and Persistent Honeyslime. You'll have 900 Sizzling Cinderpollen in no time!
Swarmite Skyhunter

The Swarmite Skyhunter is another extremely easy-to-get mount in The War Within. Simply complete the Khaz Algar Glyph Hunter achievement. To do this, you'll need to achieve the following Glyph Hunter achievements:
- Isle of Dorn Glyph Hunter
- Hallowfall Glyph Hunter
- The Ringing Deeps Glyph Hunter
- Azj-Kahet Glyph Hunter
Beledar's Spawn

As the name suggests, this mount has a chance to drop from Beledar's Spawn when Beledar enters its void phase. To find this rare spawn, either check the Looking for Group listings or fly around Hallowfall when the crystal turns. Fortunately, players have already discovered the locations, so you can head straight to them without spending too much time searching.

Regurgitated Mole Reins

The Regurgitated Mole Reins is a fun mount you can add to your collection by defeating the Lurker of the Deeps. If you’re wondering where to find the Lurker, it spawns in The Ringing Deeps and can be summoned by hitting five levers in the zone within 10 seconds. Keep in mind that this enemy has over 22 million HP, which scales with the number of players attacking it.
The Dauntless Imperial Lynx

The Dauntless Imperial Lynx mount is an RNG drop found in the Lamplighter Supply Satchel. You can obtain this satchel by participating in the "Spreading the Light" World Event. During the event, you'll encounter both large and small Lamplights. The larger ones require 20 Radiant Remnants to activate, while the smaller ones need 3. Activating Major Keyflames will light up the area for 20 minutes, unlocking a bonus objective that awards a Lamplighter Supply Satchel. Lesser Keyflames, on the other hand, will unlock a weekly quest in that area with a chance to reward the same satchel.
There you have it—five easy mounts to get in World of Warcraft: The War Within. Special thanks to WoWHead for providing some of the information used in this article. Stay tuned for more WoW content!