The War Within is here and it's picking up the pace. The newest expansion of World of Warcraft brings lots of fun content to players, including a new feature called delves. However WoW players have to keep in mind that the game is still in its early stages, and there is a lot to be fixed, adjusted, and balanced within it. That's why we receive hotfixes almost daily, targeting bugs and balance issues in TWW. Today's hotfix, released on September 15th, focuses only on delves. Here are all of the changes:
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WoW TWW Hotfix September 15th

All of the changes in today's World of Warcraft hotfix revolve around the NPC who accompanies you on your delve adventures - Brann Bronzebeard.
If you've been exploring The War Within delves, you might have noticed inconsistencies in Brann's performance, especially in his power levels. Upon investigation, the Blizzard team discovered a bug that allowed Brann to inherit all health and damage bonuses meant for enemies in specific difficulty tiers. This bug caused Brann to grow stronger as players advanced into higher Delve tiers. This made the NPC too OP and broken.
A hotfix has been deployed in WoW TWW to resolve this issue. Now, Brann's power will scale based on his level and the player’s gear.
However, some players complained that Brann wasn't strong enough without the OP bug. To fix this, Blizzard has boosted Brann's damage and healing by 125% across all tiers to make him more impactful.
- The team will continue monitoring the situation and making adjustments as needed.
Hotfix Key points:
- Bug found where Brann gained enemy bonuses in higher-tier Delves.
- The hotfix corrects this bug, normalizing Brann’s power scaling.
- Brann's damage and healing have been buffed by 125% to improve his overall impact.

Delve Changes
Over the past several days, we’ve heard player reports of much variance in Brann’s performance and contribution in Delves, and we’ve investigated anomalous data along those lines. We recently identified a serious bug that could, under specific circumstances, cause Brann to inherit all the health and damage bonuses meant for enemies in a given difficulty tier. When this bug took effect, the higher the tier of Delve you were running, the stronger Brann would get.
- We’ve just deployed a hotfix that will correct this bug. There should now be a consistent baseline of power for Brann, which will increase with your own gear and with his level.
Some specs, whose gameplay tended towards hanging back and letting Brann take the lead, were much more likely to trigger the bug than others, so for those players we understand that this could make Brann feel significantly weaker than he has been, especially in the highest tier delves.
- We’ve also seen feedback that “unbugged”, Brann felt much less impactful than we’d hoped. Therefore, along with the bugfix, we’ve hotfixed Brann to increase his damage and healing by 125% across all tiers.
We will continue to monitor feedback and results, and we will make further adjustments as needed.
There you have it - all of the WoW TWW Delve changes for September 15th. Come back tomorrow - we might have more news for you!