Embark on an epic journey through the rich and intricate world of Baldur's Gate III, a game that seamlessly blends the depth of traditional...
a year ago
Delve deep into Night City's mysteries with Cyberpunk 2077's Phantom Liberty DLC, a treasure trove of content showcasing the mastery of CD...
a year ago
In Cyberpunk 2077's Phantom Liberty expansion, there's a fresh quest named "No Easy Way Out" where Coach Fred asks you to aid his...
a year ago
Cyberpunk 2077 welcomes its latest DLC, Phantom Liberty, enriching Night City with a slew of captivating additions: new storyline, skills,...
a year ago
In Lies of P, much like other games in the souls-like genre, your character's statistics, or stats for short, are a crucial part of shaping...
a year ago
In Lies of P, every weapon boasts a unique ability known as Fable Arts, associated with both the blade and handle. These abilities can be...
a year ago
Amulets in Lies of P function as accessories that provide passive buffs to Pinocchio. You can swap them out at any time to tailor your...
a year ago
Legion Arms are secondary weapons you can find and utilize in Lies of P. Much like primary weapons, each Legion Arm boasts unique abilities...
a year ago
In Lies of P, Dark Moon Moonstones of the Covenant are essential for upgrading your special and boss weapons, increasing their power. Since...
a year ago
In your journey through Lies of P, collecting boss and special weapons is essential. To make these weapons even more potent, you'll need a...
a year ago
In Lies of P, honesty and deception play pivotal roles, affecting the game's progression and outcomes. Throughout the game, you'll face...
a year ago
As countless players rush to transition from CSGO to Counter-Strike 2, it's no surprise that some are encountering hiccups. One frequent...
a year ago
In Lies of P, your choices throughout the game can lead to different endings. If you want to unlock all the endings, including the "best"...
a year ago
In Cyberpunk 2077's Phantom Liberty expansion, the "Treating Symptoms" gig comes up as you're on a mission to rescue Songbird in the "Get...
a year ago
In Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty, during the "Get it Together" mission, you'll get a side gig from Mr. Hands called "Prototype in the...
a year ago
In the latest Cyberpunk 2077 expansion, Phantom Liberty, the side gig "Dazed and Confused" awaits. This intriguing mission becomes...
a year ago
In Lies of P, you have access to a wide variety of weapons, each with its own unique stats and Fable Arts. But how can you make these...
a year ago
Mastering the art of jump throwing was a game-changer in CS:GO. Now, with Counter-Strike 2 (CS2), it remains just as vital for those...
a year ago
Ready to dive into Counter-Strike 2? For optimal gaming experience and max FPS, adjust your settings as per our guide. Counter-Strike 2 is...
a year ago
If you've transitioned from CS:GO to the newly released Counter-Strike 2 (CS2), launched on September 27, 2023, you're in the right place....
a year ago