Hot Toys has released images of the highly anticipated 1/6th scale Jinx figure, inspired by the hit animated series Arcane and League of...
22 days ago
Riot Games just launched a teaser trailer for the summer event in League of Legends. Anima Squad is returning to the world of LoL in 2024...
6 months ago
We have some great news for the League of Legends community - Your Shop will be returning sooner than you think! If you don't already know,...
8 months ago
Once the Lunar Revel event is over, League of Legends will welcome the High Noon Event. If you don't already know, this event re-imagines...
9 months ago
Great news for League of Legends Fans - URF is back! This Ultra Rapid Fire mode returns regularly and we'll be able to enjoy it again in...
10 months ago
League of Legends is celebrating 14 years of LoL Esports, treating fans to some epic pro match-ups. Now, Riot Games has come up with a way...
a year ago
Riot Games has officially released a calendar outlining the upcoming League of Legends events and significant dates for the end of 2023 and...
a year ago