LEC 2024 Summer Finals: FNC vs G2 Results

We will take a look at the League of Legends EMEA Championship Summer Split Finals between FNC and G2.

LEC 2024 Summer Finals: FNC vs G2 Results

The League of Legends EMEA Championship Summer Split has finally ended and a team has been crowned the winner of the Summer Split.

Although the LEC region has been marked with G2's domination, it seems that this time around, a lot of the professional rosters have upped their game both in macro and micro play. With that in mind, we will go over the final games of the split between Fnatic and G2 Esports.


LEC Summer Finals G2 vs FNC

LEC 2024 Summer Split Finals FNC vs G2

Fnatic and G2 Esports have had such a long-time rivalry in the LEC, so many fans were excited to see another 'el classico' between arguably the two best teams in the region. With that being said, we will go over all of the League of Legends games in this best-of-five (Bo5).

FNC vs G2 Game 1 (Result 0-1)

FNC Role G2
Oscarinin Renekton TOP Kennen BrokenBlade 
Razork Zyra JNG Sejuani Yike
Humanoid Lucian MID Corki Caps
Noah Jhin BOT Ezreal Hans Sama
Jun Rell SUP Poppy Mikyx

The first game of the series started off rather uneventful in comparison to the previous match between the teams. FNC slowly accrued a significant gold lead as G2 was heavily punished for their overextension in a bot lane team fight. Razork showed great macro as most of the neutral objectives were claimed by FNC, however, G2 was able to turn the tide and start suffocating FNC from any opportunities for a comeback. 



FNC vs G2 Game 2 (Result 0-2)

FNC Role G2
Oscarinin Renekton TOP Ornn BrokenBlade 
Razork Zyra JNG Brand Yike
Humanoid Lucian MID Corki Caps
Noah Ezreal BOT Jhin Hans Sama
Jun Leona SUP Nautilus Mikyx

Game 2 was marked with a very impressive performance by FNC as the team seemed very strong in the early-to-mid game stage, but almost comically, it seemed that G2 were able to 'mind control' their rivals into unfavorable team fights. 

FNC vs G2 Game 3 (Result 0-3)

FNC Role G2
Oscarinin Renekton TOP Ornn BrokenBlade 
Razork Brand JNG Zyra Yike
Humanoid Lucian MID Corki Caps
Noah Ezreal BOT Kai'Sa Hans Sama
Jun Leona SUP Nautilus Mikyx

Game 3 was the most frustrating performance by FNC to date. Not only did the team throw away a massive 8K gold lead, but their performance during team fights seemed sloppy. It seems that the LEC region suffers from effectively utilizing leads to close out games.

This was by far, the most disappointing and aggravating LEC series in the entire region's history. Not only did FNC lose 3 winning games with massive gold leads, but G2's performance was very lackluster, especially in the early game. Despite the high praises for both teams, the LEC 2024 Summer Finals were met with a lot of backlash and negative sentiments from fans and analysts. 

Some members of the League of Legends community are worried that the LEC's performance might be drastically challenged when facing the international talent at the World Championship later this year. Hopefully, the teams that are able to qualify for the biggest LoL tournament are able to pick up the pace and refine all of the pain points that were presented in this split. 
