More Leaks About the New LoL Champion Aurora

We have even more exciting info about the upcoming Vastayan Sololaner in League of Legends.

More Leaks About the New LoL Champion Aurora
Riot Games

LoL players have been discussing an upcoming champion for a while now. We already introduced you to some leaks, but we have even more captivating sneak peeks for you. Let's delve into what the new League of Legends champion, so far called Aurora, has in store for us:

New Top Laner Mage

A new mage champion is expected to join League of Legends, specifically designed for the top lane. The interesting thing here is that, as most mages typically play in the mid-lane, this one will find herself against the tanks. However, it is very possible that she will be a viable midlane choice as well.

  • Fans are already speculating she will be a good choice for top lane until her first nerf, and then she'll be turned into a midlaner.



Name and Appearance

Aurora Images
Riot Games

The new champion might be named Aurora, although this isn't confirmed by Riot Games yet. She is described as wearing a large witch hat with rabbit ears poking out. Her eyes have an incredible glow, possibly because she can see or control ghosts. 

  • The images above are inspirational and not official Riot Games art.

Aurora Abilities and Ultimate

Aurora’s abilities are still unknown, but one of her skills is believed to be called "Exorcist" or "Exorcism." During her ultimate ability, she transforms, glowing even more and taking on an evil spirit-like form. This transformation orchestrates a kaleidoscopic display of light and shadow, making her presence on the battlefield mesmerizing.



Early Teasers and Clues

Aurora Champion Teaser
Riot Games

A few months ago, Riot Games dropped a tiny teaser about this champion. With the release of Patch 14.10, new changes and cosmetics in the PBE (Public Beta Environment) have given more hints. Riot is known for sneaking in Easter eggs, and keen players have pieced together potential teasers quickly.

The PBE has added new icons and emotes labeled AURORA, hinting at the champion’s possible name. Early teasers showed a workstation filled with books, scrolls, herbs, and potions, suggesting that Aurora might have a background as an alchemist. This will surely be one of the more 'Disney'-like champions but her background might be quite intriguing. 



Connection to Sylas

Sylas Concept Art
Riot Games

Interestingly, Aurora's concept seems to share some similarities with Sylas, another League of Legends champion. Originally, Sylas was based on a concept that might have influenced Aurora's design. This connection hints that Aurora might have some intricate and unique abilities. It’s certainly intriguing to see how their stories might intertwine within the game’s labyrinth of lore.


  • New Top Laner Mage: A new mage champion, likely named Aurora, is expected to join League of Legends, designed primarily for the top lane but possibly viable in mid lane as well.
  • Name and Appearance: Aurora might be her name. She wears a large witch hat with rabbit ears and has glowing eyes, possibly due to her ability to see or control ghosts.
  • Abilities and Ultimate: She has a skill possibly called "Exorcist" or "Exorcism." Her ultimate involves transforming into a more evil spirit-like form, glowing intensely.
  • Background: Early teasers suggest Aurora might have an alchemist background. 

Aurora promises to be an exciting addition to the League of Legends champ roster. As a Vastayan rabbit mage from Freljord, she brings a unique flavor to the game. Stay tuned for more updates! We'll be here to post any new info so keep an eye out! 
