LoL: Possible Leaked Abilities of New Champion Aurora

Here are the possible kit and skills of the new League of Legends mage champion.

LoL: New Champion Aurora Leaked Abilities
Riot Games

Aurora is the new League of Legends champion who will be released very soon. She's a mage top laner, which makes her quite special. LoL fans seem very excited about the upcoming release. In this article, we will take a look at the leaked information about Aurora's skills and gameplay kit. Keep in mind that these are just leaks and not officially confirmed abilities.

Hey, this article is old and some of the information in it is outdated! Check out our most recent article about Aurora and her abilities, now that information has been released by Riot Games.



Before the Abilities

Aurora Abilities
Riot Games

As mentioned before, before we go further into the article, keep in mind that this is leaked information and Aurora's kit hasn't been officially released by Riot Games just yet. The final skills might turn out to be completely different! Leakers suggest the complete kit will possibly be released this weekend, but we can't be completely sure if this aligns with the official League of Legends schedule.

  • If you want to learn more about Aurora as a champion, you can check out this link.



Aurora Passive

Aurora Passive
Riot Games

Although it was rumored that Aurora takes up a second form during her Ultimate, the most recent leaks suggest she gets this specific glow thanks to her passive ability. After hitting a few skills, this second form will activate, connecting her to the Spirit Realm. Aurora gains Invisibility and Spell Vamp.

The released splash art contains small bunny spirits, which are believed to be similar to Bard's Meeps and possibly empower her abilities.



Aurora E Ability

Aurora E Ability
Riot Games, YouTube: Big Bad Bear

For her E ability, Aurora creates a portal to the Spirit Realm. This portal creates a wave of energy and either pushes away or pulls closer the enemy champions.



Aurora Ultimate Ability

Riot Games

Aurora's Ultimate ability seems to be the star of her kit. She 'transforms' a large area into the Spirit Realm and enemies trapped within can't leave. Think Mordekaiser's R ability. If they try to leave, they'll be returned and suppressed in one place, similar to Camille's Ultimate and Veigar's wall. This ability will surely be huge in team fights.

In conclusion, while we eagerly await the official release of Aurora's kit, the leaked information has certainly stirred excitement within the League of Legends community. Aurora's unique abilities promise to bring a fresh and dynamic playstyle to the top lane. Whether these leaks hold true or not, one thing is certain: Aurora's debut is highly anticipated, and she is set to make a significant impact on the game. Stay tuned for the official announcement from Riot Games to get the complete details.
