Blizzard recently drop a preview for the next content update for World of Warcraft The War Within and players are excited to see what the devs have been cooking. With the newest expansion being hailed as fun to play, the community is happy to see the direction the company is taking for its MMORPG.
Having that in mind, we will go over everything you need to know about Patch 11.0.7, including when it will become available for testing on the PTR.
The War Within Patch 11.0.7 PTR

Players will be able to test out the upcoming update for World of Warcraft as well as provide valuable feedback to the dev team. Patch 11.0.7 goes live on the PTR on October 31, 2024. Players will get a new zone to adventure in called Siren Isle which will allow you to get some sweet new gear, transmongs, cosmetics, and more!
It also seems that Plunderstrom will be coming back early in 2025 so be on the lookout for some new and returning items. Turbulent Timeways from the previous WoW expansion Dragonflight will also return in Patch 11.0.7 so you will be able to get a new mount while doing Timewalking Dungeons.
WoW Patch 11.0.7

We can also expect a lot of class balance changes, new gear, Arathi ear customization for Humans and Kul Tiran, and the story prologue for the 11.1 WoW campaign. It seems the devs have taken assets from the Battle for Azeroth expansion, as the major design choices are centered around the Kul Tiran. Not only that, but we will finally get the opportunity to obtain the long-awaited Stormcrow mount.
Players will also get the opportunity to hand in items for three different excavation factions, namely the Earthen, Goblins, and Arathi. You will get the opportunity to blast open different caves on the island, which will trigger specific events for you to participate in, and possibly obtain some sweet rewards.
For more information, you can check out the official The War Within Patch 11.0.7 preview, here: