A League of Legends YouTuber, Yaegerlol, has come under fire for his questionable tactics in a YouTube series titled "Iron to Diamond." The...
a year ago
In a series of tweets, Lawlor, who also serves as the Audio and Technical Narrative Director for Overwatch 2, provided exciting details...
a year ago
As Season 18 of Apex Legends approaches, players are eagerly anticipating the upcoming changes and additions to the popular battle royale...
a year ago
China has become the first country to experience the closed beta of VALORANT Mobile, which commenced recently and will run until...
a year ago
Apex Legends fans are in for a treat as Season 18, titled Resurrection, arrives on August 8th, bringing an exciting Death Dynasty...
a year ago
Valve is committed to making The International a more enjoyable experience for both viewers at home and those attending the tournament in...
a year ago
For those unaware, an unscrupulous exploit in Diablo 4 allowed players to bridge the gap between the Eternal and seasonal realms. It...
a year ago
As Season 6 approaches, the hype has reached unprecedented levels, with the upcoming release of controversial story missions, a new support...
a year ago
Sombra's unique playstyle has always sparked debates among players in the Damage roster. Unlike other heroes, she avoids direct...
a year ago
In a bid to combat cheating, Call of Duty is taking a bold step by publicly shaming cheaters in real-time. The latest update to CoD: Modern...
a year ago
While Valorant boasts lavish cosmetics, some of the pricey weapon skins may be out of reach for many players. Nonetheless, skin collectors...
a year ago
Valve, the creators of Dota 2, have taken a firm stance against monetization in custom games. Developers of these user-created games...
a year ago
Warzone 2 players have been raising concerns about a potential stealth nerf to aim assist in the Season 5 update. Despite no official...
a year ago
The glitch, discovered earlier this week, involved a complex process where players had to team up with a friend in the Seasonal Realm,...
a year ago
As Season 6 marks the introduction of PvE content, a new support hero, and a core mode, the update is set to be one of the game's most...
a year ago
Since Lifeweaver's debut, the support hero has faced considerable criticism due to an awkward kit and mediocre damage output. Even top...
a year ago
Apex Legends Season 18 brings a significant overhaul to the controversial Charge Rifle. Say goodbye to hitscan, as the weapon will now...
a year ago
Respawn Entertainment, the developers behind Apex Legends, has addressed the ongoing discussions surrounding aim assist in their popular...
a year ago
The upcoming Overwatch 2 support hero is set to make its debut on August 10, coinciding with the launch of Season 6 and the exciting OW2...
a year ago
Apex Legends fans are in for a treat as Season 18 brings a slew of exciting updates, and one of the most anticipated additions is a...
a year ago