In the vibrant creature-catching world of Palworld, Mega Spheres stands out as one of the top-tier tools for snagging elusive high-level...
a year ago
The latest Finals patch introduces important balance adjustments to gadgets and weapons alongside crash fixes and quality-of-life...
a year ago
Frostallion is one of Palworld's mighty Legendary creatures, wielding immense power over ice and snow. Tracking down and capturing this...
a year ago
Digtoise is a powerful Ground-type Pal in Palworld that excels at mining resources. With its spiky armored shell and spinning drill attack,...
a year ago
Pure Quartz is a valuable crafting material in Palworld that is used to create essential items like Circuits. However, tracking it down can...
a year ago
Jetragon is one of Palworld's most elusive and powerful legendary creatures. This fiery dragon is no easy catch, but capturing it is...
a year ago
With over 100 capturable Pals in Palworld, building an effective battle team can be a daunting task. To help players focus their efforts,...
a year ago
The recent addition of Solid Snake and Metal Gear Solid content to Fortnite Chapter 5 has introduced a powerful new mythic item - the EMP...
a year ago
The recent Fortnite v28.10 update brought the iconic cardboard box from Metal Gear Solid into the battle royale as a new mythic item....
a year ago
In the unique world of Palworld, you may sometimes find yourself with an unwanted "Wanted" status if you break certain laws or enter...
a year ago
Upon opening Fortnite and attempting to ready up for a new match, some players encounter a frustrating issue - the vague "Matchmaking Error...
a year ago
As one of the most popular games worldwide, even brief Fortnite outages often spur the question: is Fortnite down right now? On January...
a year ago
The vibrant, Pokemon-inspired creature collecting game Palworld features epic boss battles amidst the exploration, crafting, and quirky Pal...
a year ago
One of the joys of exploring the vibrant open world of Palworld is taking to the air on the back of a trusty flying mount Pal. Even though...
a year ago
Epic Games has announced scheduled maintenance and downtime for Fortnite's v28.10 update on January 23rd, 2024. Server downtime enables the...
a year ago
Wheat is an essential crop in Palworld for crafting nourishing food to keep your character and Pals healthy and happy. But first, you need...
a year ago
The newly released creature collector Palworld is grabbing attention for its Pokemon-style system of catching and utilizing cute companions...
a year ago
The vibrant creature-filled world of Palworld offers both single-player and multiplayer fun. However some players encounter the frustrating...
a year ago
Are you looking to join forces with fellow Palworld fans? One of the best ways to team up in this whimsical creature-collecting game is to...
a year ago
Selecting the optimal base location is crucial in Palworld for gathering resources, defending against raids, and expanding your empire....
a year ago