Ash Echoes is a thrilling RTS experience both on Mobile and PC. With its unique focus on tactics and diverse roster of characters, the game...
a month ago
Echomancers are the characters in Ash Echoes and the backbone of the game. Being a hero collecter/gacha game, Ash Echoes puts a heavy...
a month ago
Resonance Clue is one of the most if not arguably, the most important item you’ll need in Ash Echoes. Resonance Clues are used to summon on...
a month ago
Action Points are one of the crucial resources in Ash Echoes that you’ll be using on a daily basis. Action Points can be thought of as a...
a month ago
X Particles is one of the currencies you will encounter in Ash Echoes. It can be considered a premium currency due to allowing the players...
a month ago
Ash Echoes is finally here, and there is no doubt in our mind that there will be a lot of you who’ll want to start off the game on the...
a month ago
Ash Echoes is the newest gacha game on the market, and apart from its unique combat style and system where you don’t actually have to level...
a month ago
Ash Echoes has just been released recently, and we have no doubt that all gacha fans will jump into the game to try it out and see what it...
a month ago
Ash Echoes is the newest gacha game to hit the market, and it is definitely one unique game. It offers thrilling RTS-type gameplay, giving...
a month ago
Ash Echoes is the newest gacha game to hit the market, and it stands out thanks to its unique take on the real-time strategy (RTS) genre....
a month ago
Ash Echoes is gearing up for its global release, and to celebrate the joyous occasion, the developers behind the game have launched a...
a month ago
Ash Echoes is one of the newest gacha games to pop up in the genre, and it is also one of the most anticipated ones, thanks to its unique...
a month ago